Zorknot's Fanfics |
Updated(2/2/07) (new chapter in TK!) |
Email: zorukonotsu(at)yahoo.com |
Main |
Thyself Known Now with its own website! UPDATED(2/2/07) |
Live Journal |
An alterverse where Nodoka shows up early and there are two or three conspiracies going on behind the scenes. And there's something wrong with Ranma's curse.... |
Guest book |
Oyu no Ranma |
Divergence/alterverse: Ranma gets his curse stuck early on. Told in present tense at anytime a main character is in hot water. There is a reason for this, I assure you. |
Chapter 1:The Unneccessarily Long Prologue |
Just after meeting with the Tendos for the first time, Ranma remenisces in the furo about his bouts with Jusenkyo and his father...and an enigmatic housewife named Tasuke Heiko. This will be the last time Ranma will be male for a while. |
Chapter 2: Hot Water |
Ranma deals with the aftermath of a rash decision and the horror of Akane's cooking. |
Chapter 3: Oyu no Genma |
Genma and Soun recall the "good ole days", Genma recounts Ranma's first day at school. Ranma's still a water magnet...but not in the way you'd expect. |
Chapter 4:Training |
10% |
Kyuuketsuki |
Alterverse (or is it?) Dark. The spirits of Jusenkyo are vampiric entities bounded by the wards on the bamboo poles. Or at least they were bounded by them. |
Chapter 1: A Dark Night in Jusenkyo (prologue) |
The Jusenkyo Guide stuggles to warn the village of Nyuchezu. The wards have fallen. The spirits are loose. |
Chapter 2:Ta Ro Ichi Kon |
The vampires reach the Tendo home...and Kasumi may be their only hope. |
Chapter 3: The House of Elders |
Back in China, Li San must somehow defeat a witch so that the rest of the village might be saved. |
Family Honor updated 2/6/04 |
AU: Ranma has a great respect for Family Honor. However, his concept of it is somewhat different from what you might think |
Chapter1: The Flight of Akane Tendo |
Akane gets a first hand lesson in what Family Honor stands for. |
Chapter2: A Mid-April Night's Snack |
Family Honor brings Ranma and the Tendos closer together. |
Chapter3: Things to Do in Nerima When You're Dead |
Family Honor takes a vacation |
Neriman Distortion updated(12/21/03)! |
Boogiepop Phantom retold with Ranma characters. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE SEEN BOOGIEPOP PHANTOM TO READ THIS. If you find yourself wondering WTF is going on that's perfectly natural, but there shouldn't be anything you need to know that's not in the text. {BTW the picture is of Nabiki with long hair and with the colors desaturated like in the boogiepop anime.) |
Vol. 001: Portraits in Memory |
It appeared. The death kami.... These things I do...I'm not really thinking about germs when I do them.... What's really freaky is I heard someone saw Ranma's ghost the other day....Are you going to kill me?...I'm not really sure if it was Boogiepop or not...Still revising! |
Vol. 002: Light in Darkness |
Ever since I was a kid I wanted to be a hero...I could almost swear she smiled just a little, as if she thought the whole thing was funny...Thankfully, I told Ranma where I got the information before he pummeled us into pancakes...Once she was gone, I bit into the spider with gusto...My father never forgave himself for letting her go alone...I feel a rush of air and an electric charge as Boogiepop--or is it the Manticore?-- materializes in front of me. Still Revising! |
Vol. 003: Life Can Be So Nice |
How can it not be simple, Nabiki? Either he's dead or he isn't, Which one is it?...Oh my! The sky is just priceless!...Relationships--of all kinds--are like sand held in your hand...Becoming a homemaker seems like a foregone conclusion now, but back then it was a real turning point in my life...Ranma-chan! It's Kodachi! She's come to visit!...Help me! Save me from this world!...Boogiepop...probably exists...Did the rainbow disappear? Still Revising! |
[Inuyasha]A Feather Cage. |
An Inuyasha fic I wrote. Focuses on Kagura. I guess you could call it a one-shot but I'd like to add more chapters sometime. Just busy with other things. |
[Lain] Sunrise |
A one shot focusing on Lain from Serial Experiments: Lain |
A humorous one shot dealing with one of the more maligned members of the Ranma cast |
Sunset |
Ranma sits with Akane and enjoys the sunset. Pure WAFF |
Christine |
Ranma fic based on the book Christine by Stephen King. This was written before I read it though. |
CGW: Ranma gets stuck as a girl |
I was considering writing a series of one shots exploring different cliches. I was going to call it Cliches Gone Wrong. Unfortunately the responses I got to this, my first installment weren't all that favorable so it kind of killed it for me. This is a very spammy one shot. Very weird too. |
Sometimes a Great Fanfic |
Another extremely spammy oneshot. I wrote this thinking I was extremely clever, which is why it's a little...stupid |
That Fiend Saotome! |
What if what Kuno thought about Ranma were actually true? |
Fics that time forgot. |
Here are some unfinished fics that I started that I've more or less abandoned for the time being. I may go back and work on them later, when I escape the ninja Elvises that are holding my brain hostage. |
Even the Devil |
Nabiki fic. Dark. She has to sell the Dojo after everyone has died. It's pretty cool...If I could only get to the end... |
Romanji |
A spammy little number dealing with names. This was written before I had taken a Japanese class. |
CGW: Ranma has a bad day |
This was going to be another cliche gone wrong, poking a little fun at the tendency of a lot of fics to start out with Ranma "having a bad day" unfortunately the story got too interesting. I'd love to continue this, but I'll probably have to re-write some parts, give it a better title,etc. A project for a later date. |
Wanted Man |
Ranma is in America, on the run from the police, who think he has killed his friends and family back in Japan. I got blocked on this one by a nasty little idea that wouldn't go away about having Ranma get noticed by a casting agent, which is of course impossible. If I can make myself forget about that and move on I'll continue this with pleasure. |
The Way the Crumble Cookies |
Continuation, multi-crossover, previously titled "Ranma and Akane Wake Up". Ranma and Akane both have similar dreams that cause them to realize how to solve all their problems and several other peoples problems while they're at it. Can Nabiki stop them before it's too late? |
Prologue:Talking Heads |
Akane and Ranma's dream. Lots of psycho babble, no action, and some controversial ideas. You can probably skip this without too much problem. Several people like it though, and so do I. |
Fit in the first:: Six Impossible Things |
Ranma and Akane get married and take care of all the extra fiancees. "Oh," they say "that was easy!" And then go on to prove that black is white and go to Milliways to celebrate. HGTTG and LH elements. |
Fit in the second: The Morning After |
Ranma and Akane go to the bathroom at Milliways. What they find there may change their lives forever. |