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First Name: Nicholas Last Name: Woods |
This site was last updated on the 7th Aril, 2003 |
Honestly, I wouldn't have a clue how I got interested in D-Day, or World War II for that matter. But some reason I find it facinating, how the Allies pulled it of. It's obviose that they shouldn't have, look at the statictics for God sakes!Anyway, so I am making this website dedicated to every man, women and child who made D-Day a success! |
I am trying hard to get the site done! I have also begun building a "Sister Site" all about Omaha Beach and is an extra, more in-depth look at the invasion at Omaha. To view it, go to the Omaha Beach page and find the link. |
The first statement I will make about this site is that I assume you what D-Day or Operation Overlord is, but look at the bottom of page to view a brief sumary. I will include a glossary (Click on the Link "Glossary" to view it) and a bibliography. Navigate through the site by clicking on the links in the left hand column (Links are set out in order of when they occured during the D-Day invasion) GLOSSARY BIBLIOGRAPHY |
OPERATION OVERLORD D-Day: June 6th, 1944 |
June 6th, 1944 |
A Western Australia Site |
On the 6th June, in the year 1944, Brittish, American, Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders invaded Nazi occupied France to Liberate it and drive the Nazi's of French soil. They did so by crossing open beaches, under heavy machine-gun and mortar fire. This invasion was the climax of many months of training, planning, dissapointment, disagreement, enthuseasm and countinous trial and error. But these or months, or years for that matter, of planning and trianing, and all of the above, and the invasion won the war for the allies. Without it, they would never have liberated France. |