The first statement I will make about this site is that I assume you what D-Day or Operation Overlord is,and if you don't then I wouldn't have a clue why you are at my website in the first place.

This website I am edicating to all the men who made up even the smallest part of this great invasion. With that I woud also like to say that I've always tried to imagine what it would have been like for the paratroopers. I've tried to imagine parahuting down to earth in the middle of the night while tracers wizz by you. And then either falling to the group and being injured from the impact. And drowning from landing in a flooded area and being pulled down, under the water, by the heavy equipent that they had to carry.
I've tried to imagine suviving the impact and looking through out the night to find another Allied soldier, but instead you find knowone else but the enemy and you are alone in the cold night. Fighting for your life.
I've tried to imagine the terror a soldier might feel as he storms Omaha Beach. I've tried to imagine what I might have felt if I was in amoungst the slaughter, and seeing thousands of men dying in an instant, either being ripped apart by machine-gun fire or blown apart by shells. I've always tried to imagine that, but never could. That is because the terror, amazement, horror and lonelyness felt by so many on that day was so great, that knowone could even begin to understand what it was like. But I have made this website so as to educate people about D-Day and atleast, give people a better understanding of the events.

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