Ohhhhhh to be that rose...

Well, it's March 26th again, and what can i say that i already haven't?:
Thank you Steven for all the music, smiles, inspiration, dreams (hehe), and everything else you've given me. I wish that I could give you back something equally as touching, but i hope this tribute is enough. We all love you and can't wait to see what the next 53 years bring :-) So keep rockin 'cause you're Beyond Beautiful. Can't wait for the tour!

Yes, Steven's an Aries just like me :-)

And His Horoscope for today:
Take a good look in the mirror and smile at who you see. It is important that you give yourself credit and a large pat on the back for who you are. Inspiring confidence in yourself is one of the most important gifts you can give to yourself at this time. Don't take this exercise lightly. You will find that others will be very receptive to your self-confidence and positive attitude. Be the shining light that others can look to for guidance and support.
*I really don't think he has to worry about self confidence ;-)*

This year has been a wonderful one for Steven (and the rest of Aerosmith). In fact, just the past few months have been Amazing. They've recieved the International Artist Award (Lifetime Achievement) at the AMA's, played the Superbowl Halftime Show, appeared on SNL, graced the cover of many magazines, put out a GRRRRREAT new Album Just Push Play, have a smash single Jaded, and were inducted into the Rock'n'roll Hall of Fame!
Now, for most artists this would be enough, but not for Steven and the boys, who are going on tour this summer and rockin well into the future.
Here's a look at the past year of Steven:

So once again, thank you Steven for everyting! Have a wonderful b-day and MANY MANY MORE!

last tribute