Men of ZETA RHO 1969 to the PRESENT! |
Alpha Alpha Inc. 1970 |
Zeta Rho Chapter Reunion Fall 99 |
Bro. Richard Morris and Charlie Brown |
From L/R Herman Jiles, Robert Norris, Charlie Brown, Bruce Bradford, Roosevelt Sumbry, Frederick Griffin, Larry Lince, Wayne Brewster, and Hobo(dog) |
L/R Reginald Perry, J. Williams, J. Hurt, L. Lince, R. Sumbry, R. Norris, H. Jiles, V. Simpson, V. Hayes, R Ligon, M Desadier, F. Hernserson Pledges: 1. John Higgins 2. Michael Mitchell 3. Donald Reese 4. Lawence Ford 5. Neal Sherron |
Zeto Rho Brother's |
Bro. Trent Miles Offensive Assistant University of Notre Dame |
Bro. Fred Griffen and Robert Norris |