Men of ZETA RHO 1969 to the PRESENT!
Alpha Alpha Inc. 1970
Zeta Rho Chapter Reunion
Fall 99
Bro. Richard Morris and Charlie Brown
From L/R
Herman Jiles, Robert Norris, Charlie Brown, Bruce Bradford, Roosevelt Sumbry,
Frederick Griffin, Larry Lince, Wayne Brewster, and Hobo(dog)
Reginald Perry, J. Williams, J. Hurt, L. Lince, R. Sumbry, R. Norris, H. Jiles, V. Simpson,
V. Hayes, R Ligon, M Desadier, F. Hernserson
1. John Higgins 2. Michael Mitchell  3. Donald Reese 4. Lawence Ford  5. Neal Sherron
Zeto Rho Brother's
Bro. Trent Miles
Offensive Assistant
University of Notre Dame
Bro. Fred Griffen and Robert Norris