Don't take everything in life so seriously.
As John Valby says before each show, "If You Can't Take A Joke, Now's The Time To Leave"
The Midi file
on this page is
by the J Geils Band.
It doesn't really fit the theme of the page, but I do have a personal reason for putting it on this page. Some Midi files are worse than elevator music. I've searched far and wide for all the Midis on each page of my site and I used the best versions I could find, although occasionally, there was only one available.
All poetry on this website is copyright registered with the Lbrary of Congress.
Copyright Office Registration
Don't forget to check out the other poetry pages on my sites.
Links are at the bottom of each page under
Chapter 2 brings you to the not so naughty poetry pages.
The pages in the adult section are only accessable from other adult pages.
Also, if you wish to leave a message in the adult guestbook,
click the link at the bottom of any page in the adult section.
The guestbook in the regular poetry section stemming from Chapter 2 can only be accessed from those pages. I hope it's not too confusing.
I realize there are a lot of pages here.
Hey, it's the best I could do for free.
And free is the way it should be.
Fantasy Lovers
I'd like to see your hair
Ruffling in the breeze
I'd love to see your face
Smiling back at me
Touching and kissing your breasts
Giving them a squeeze
And finding myself inside of you
Kneeling on my knees
I've had dreams of sleeping
With you by my side
On a bed of water
Creating a tide
Again in a wild frenzy
Our bodies collide
Then after we've passed our crescendo
Letting it subside
I see not a thing wrong
With making love fun
Or making love with you
Underneath the sun
I will wait for the moment
We can become one
As more than lovers in misty dreams
Where our song is sung
Just Say Yes
To say the very least
You are pleasing to the eyes
And I wonder if you would be
Just as pleasing to my rise
But at the very least
You have given me a smile
Now I wonder if we could love
Just for a little while
And in the very least
You will be one with my flesh
You may wonder where I have been
All your life, Just say Yesss
Just the beginning, or the end of the line?
This page is on the mild side. If you find this offensive, then you really should go back to Chapter 2 because it only gets worse from here. But don't say I didn't warn you. This is ment for adults to read, if you are under age, then don't proceed any further. There are no dirty pictures here, only the ones you conjure up in your own mind. Don't blame me for what's already in your head, we have never met before and you are the only one who knows what your imagination is capable of.
The links below go to my other adult poetry. There are two links to non-adult poetry on purpose. The only way to get back to them is through this page, which is Chapter 3. If you are not interested in this type of poetry, Chapter 2 will take you back to my not so naughty poems. Chapter 2 has links to all the non-adult poetry under Favorite URLs near the bottom of that page.
The guestbook link at the bottom is for the adult pages as well. There is a seperate guestbook for Chapter 2.
The Dark Side Of The Force
We all have our dark side. Some hide it better than others, but it's there. I choose to expose mine because if I don't, some day some shithead from one of those stupid fucking tabloids will. That is if I should ever become popular enough that anyone notices me. Now you'll know ahead of time that I'm not pure and innocent. So if they ever claim to have some exclusive interview with me, well you'll know that it's a load of bullshit, just like everything else they print. Sometimes I can't belive my eyes while I'm standing in line at the super market and just have to pick one up to see what God is planning next. And boy am I glad I've always put them right back on the rack and never wasted a dime on that waste of trees. But I am getting off on a tangent. What I wanted to say is that I am by no means perfect. I think that you will realize that after reading my poetry anyway. If I were perfect, I'd never have had a broken heart, and I've had two. "Never judge a book by it's cover", it's what's in the heart that matters.... and since the tabloids are owned by heartless bastards, they don't matter. JJ
The other pages on my web sites. If
you want to read more of my naughty poems, below are links to explore.
you are offended by this page, don't go any deeper! |
My friends' home pages & other cool URLs.
Save A Starving Poet - Donate to a Poet in need
Let's Get Naughty, Whatever We Do Let's Do It All Night Long & Off The Wall - A few NAUGHTY Poems. My xxx poems for Lisa.
Expose Yourself (Mind Fux) - Poems about strippers, not finnished yet. Don't go here if you find stippers and exotic dancers offensive!
Tickle My Nose, The Difference Between Night And Day & Too Hard To Overlook - I'm a bad boy. Don't go here if you find oral sex offensive!!!!
At Long Last Love?: Coming Soon - Under Construction
Eye Of The Pirate, Heart Of A Thief, Nice Guys Rescued Last, Daybreak, Last Love : Coming Soon - Under Construction - A Pirates Treasure
Chapter 3, Page 5 - Back To The Egg. - Chapter 3: Back To The Egg - Begin the Maniacle Mystery Tour of death in poetry.
The Family Way & Quarter Life Crisis - Poems about Family crisis. Including more Pix.
A Question Of Faith, The Great Unknown & Have You Heard The Word? - Just in case you got here by mistake and need to think about God for a few minutes, I have a sense of humor, I hope God does too!!!! : From Chapter 2
Chapter 1 - Back to the Main Home Page : Chapter 1
Index - Back to the Main Index Page with all pages in all Chapters
Page - After you're done with my site, check
out my links page.
Save A Starving Poet - Donate to a Poet in need
Dr. Dirty - John Valby - If you don't know who John Valby is, you've missed a lot of fun for the past 25 years. If you can't take a joke, don't go there!
US Copyright protection - Keep Your Poetry YOURS
Future Link - Coming Soon
Fawnia : Former Exotic Dance godess and body builder. - Fawnia has given me an interview for the Expose Yourself page listed above. Here is her website.
of Seeds And Weeds is through BookSurge,
an company.
appearing on this page are not in Seeds And Weeds but will be in my next
book, "A Knight of Obsession",
be released in the Summer of 2007.
And Weeds is available for
at the following link:
the banner above or
# 1-4196-3309-0
Page - After you're done with my site, check
out my links page.
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