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      The dreaded Algae Blooms... usually during a warm up or wet spell in spring or early summer. The important part of this article is WHY this happens not just something to get rid of it. The why will help you understand.

       The Algae bloom affexts almost everyone. All winter even if you have the cleanest pond a small amount of matter and old fish waste has been breaking down in the pond. These become nitrates... great little sources of energy. When the sun comes out and the water warms just a little these particle QUICKLY, sometimes overnight become algae. This usually happens in one of two forms. The pea soup green water which makes the entire pond look yucky OR the long string hair algae that begins growing on everything solid.

       To keep your pond from getting a minimal attack of this (usually shortlived 7-14 days but can actually be avoided), keep all decaying matter out of the pond... old dead plants, leaves from trees, anything collecting in the bottom of the pond. Always have a good net handy. Do not feed your fish in the spring until it is time to introduce hardy plants. Usually mid to late may.  

1. Remove any decaying matter & dont feed or stop feeding your fish (they will be fine).
2. You can add products to your pond to work on the algae.
-Microbe Lift .... a benificial bacteria that works with good filtration systems to clean the pond.
-Algae Fix .... chemical addative that temporarily kills algae
-Barley Straw extract (LIQUID) that prevents algae spores from growing

      If your pond is pretty bad have a company like us come give your pond a healthy cleaning and have them reinstall all natural bacteria. This is a quick simple method.  Pond Cleaning with us can be as little as $79 and up (pond size is a variable).
Now taking appointments for spring clean outs and new pond installations...
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Algae Bloom: some good info