
1:Research On Instructional Development(Richey R.C.,1996)

2:Developmental Research in Curriculum: Propositions and Experiences(Akker & Plomp, 93)


  1. development of prototypical products;
  2. generating methodological directions for design and evaluation of such products

(Van den Akker & Plomp, 1993)


Developmental Research

Type 1 Type 2


Emphasis study of specific product or program Study of design, development, or

design, development & /or evaluation evaluation process, tools, or

projects models

Product Lesson learned from developing New design, development, and

Specific products and analyzing the evaluation procedures &/ models

Conditions which facilitate their use which facilitate their use

Context-Specific Conclusions => => Generalized Conclusions


(Richey R.C.,1996)

Zulkardi - Wednesday, 6 January 1998








































































































































































































































































Conceptual Framework for Developmental Research













The Typologi of Curriculum Representations:

  1. ideal curriculum: reflects to the original assumptions, visions and intentions which are laid down in a curriculum development;
  2. formal curriculum(planned curriculum): reflects the concrete curriculum documents, such as learner materials and teacher guides.
  3. perceived curriculum: represents the curriculum as interpreted by its user ,especially teachers;
  4. operational curriculum(enacted curriculum): reflects the actual instructional process as realized in the classroom;
  5. experiential curriculum: primarily reflects the student how guidance is received;
  6. attained curriculum: represents the learning outcomes of the students.




Teachers as Learners




















An Illustrative Study























Implications for Developmental Strategy












Examples of Developmental Research















Characteristic Methods and Instruments





