Part 1. Design and Development Approach (12 Chapters)
  1. Principles and Methods of Development Research. Jan van den Akker
  2. Educational Design and Development: An Overview of Paradigm. Irene Visscher-Voerman, Kent Gustafson and Tjeerd Plomp
  3. Systems Thinking in Instructional Design. Gordon Rowland and Ann-Marie Adams
  4. Educational Design and Development: A Study of Dutch Design Practices. Irene Visscher-Voerman
  5. A Realtional Approach to Curriculum Design. Joseph Kessels
  6. Walker's Deliberate Approach in a Small-scale Project: The SPIN-case. Ellen van den Berg
  7. Designa and Development of Third Generation Distance Learning Materials: From an Industrial Second Generation Approach Towards Realizing Third Generation Distance Education. Paul Kirschner, Martin Valcke and Dominique Sluijsmans
  8. The Design and Prototyping of Digital Learning Materials: Some New Perspectives. Jef Monen
  9. Supporting Instructional Design with an Information System. Renate Limbach, Ton de Jong, Jules Pieters and Gordon Rowland
  10. Prototyping to Reach Product Quality. Nienke Nieveen.
  11. The Potential of Formative Evaluation in Program Design Models. Ralf Maslowski and Adrie Visscher
  12. Instructional Design: A Conceptual Parallel Processor for Navigating Learning Space. Robert Maribe Branch

Part 2. Computer-Based Tools for Educational Design and Development (11 Chapters)

  1. Characteristics of Computer-based Tools for Education and Training development: An Introduction. Nienke Nieveen and Kent Gustafson
  2. The Guided Approach to Instructional Design Advising(GAIDA): A Case-based Approach to Developing Instructional Design Expertise. Dennis Gettman, Theresa McNelly and Daniel Muraida
  3. An EPSS for Instructional Design: NCR's Quality Information Product Process. Thomas Jury and Thomas Reeves
  4. The PLATO Coursware Development Environment. Frank Prese and Wellesley Foshay
  5. Visual Support for Authoring. Rob Wright, Barry Harper and John Hedberg
  6. Cognitive Tools to Support the Instructional Design of Simulation-based Discocery Learning Environments: The SIMQUESTAuthoring System. Ton de Jong, Renate Limbach, Mark Gellevij, Michiel Kuyper, Jules Pieters and Wouter van Joolingen
  7. CASCADE-SEA: Computer Assisted Curriculum Analysis, Design and Evaluation fro Science Education in Africa. Susan McKenney
  8. The TeleTOP Decision Support Tool (DST). Betty Collis and Win de Boer
  9. Enabling Technologies to Design, Produce and Exploit Flexible, Electronic Learning Materials. Martin Valcke, Paul Kirschner and Evelijn Bos
  10. The IDXelerator : Learning-Centered Instructional Design. David Merril and Bennet Thompson
  11. Intelligent Support for Instructional Development: Approaches and Limits. Michael Spector.
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