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MAY 04



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MAY 2005




this turns out to be a lazy day, we don’t do anything except visit and watch the Nextel Cup Race on TV (yep on the Lanai)


Had a nice dinner and the boys spent the entire day in the pool.


After dinner Keith and I decide to ride around Dad’s neighborhood, to look at property ( I have been hunting on the internet and found a few) there are lots of for sale signs in the area.


We find one within 2 blocks of Dad’s (one of Ian’s request’s was that he be able to bike ride to Gramp’s house) This one seems to fit the bill. so I call the realtor’s number on the sign.




We have an appointment with the tech man at 10:00 he does the wiring of the house OTHER than the electrical. (LAN jacks, Phone and cable, surround sound etc)


We finish with him and head over to a local place to eat (that the tech guy highly recommends) and then check out a pool place for other options on pool prices. Then we check out a campground in the area, in case it needs to be HOME for the first few months we live in Florida.




We are up EARLY today, Keith has a meeting for a possible job at 8:00 in downtown Tampa, we plan to swing by the Tampa Distribution Center just to say ‘Hi” and introduce ourselves to the people who may let us transfer.


We arrive in PLENTY of time and Keith heads in, leaving the boys and I in the car. They are very good, but even I begin to get restless when he is gone over an hour. My only consolation is that the longer it takes the better it must be going.


When he returns the news IS good, tho they cannot offer him a job NOW, they do want him. And could possibly come thru with a great position by the end of the summer. It good to see him happy about a job interview, this one went so much better than the ones up north.


It has gotten so late and Keith is so encouraged we decided to skip the Tampa Plant visit and we head to the Post office that is looking at MY transfer request


When we arrive, I put on my $45.00 LEGAL Shoes (closed toe and 2” or less heel) and head in. I wait in the window line and then ask the window clerk if I could have a few minutes to meet with the postmaster. He says she is not in, but he will get me a supervisor. When he returns he tells me that they are all in a meeting and he can take my number and have someone call me. I say fine and leave feeling very dejected, but what did I expect? That the caliber of people in the Post Office would change from state to state. It didn’t, and it is better to have my bubble burst now than later.


I leave with not even so much as a “hi how are you?” other than to the window clerk. We are running behind and I get a call from Kathy  the realtor that I called the other night We are to meet her at the 1st house at 10:30 and we are leaving the PO now and on our way The house I had inquired about had been sold, but she had found others for us to look at.


I do believe it was fate that I found her sign when I did. When I dialed her phone number, it had sounded oddly familiar. As I looked at it again, it dawned on me, the last 4 digits of her phone number were the exact digits of my birthday. How scary is that???


So we look at 5-6 homes and there is one I really like, guess where? The SAME development we are building in, except this lot is 70’ wide not 40’ and the price is the same as we have worked out on ours. We look at it last which works out since we need to be at the Design Center at 1:00


Kathy gave me several options and even set me up with a mortgage person and she will check in with me sometime tomorrow.


We leave Kathy at 12:35 and grab McDonalds for lunch and head back to the development and our reason for the trip in the 1st place, our Design enter appointment.


We spend the next 3.5 to 4.0 hours UPGRADING the base house and end up with a price tag of $274,900.00 WITHOUT THE POOL. This will add another $30,000 to $45,000. Oh, this thing is definitely OUT. Thankfully, we have not given them much in the way of a deposit.


We head back to Gramp’s and I make several phone calls, one to the mortgage guy from Kathy and a few others, but we are not in a position at this time to purchase a home that is all ready to move into. However, we are all pre-approved once we sell the Massachusetts house.


It has been a VERY busy day and I am pooped, and so are the kids, tho you wouldn’t know it from the amount of Tsunami’s Dylan is creating in Gramp’s pool. J




     Today we have to head back to Mass. And the COLD weather. Fooey. But 1st we meet with a realtor that I had contacted via email before we got Kathy’s number.


     We look at another 5-6 homes and find another we like, it is too high a price and has no pool. But it does have 5 bedrooms 3 bathrooms and a 3 car garage + a bonus room over the garage with a full bath that Ian tried to claim as his room.


Then it is back to Gramp’s and packing things up to head north. Our flight out is at 7:30 and it’s north we go. We arrive in Pittsburgh for our connector (wow only 2 gates away) only to find it delayed, not due to an airplane problem, but they are short one flight attendant. Figures, I have to be at work in 6 hours and the plane is late.


The plane with the last attendant arrives and we are on our way. It’s into Green around 1:00 am and home around 2:00am. I call work intending to skip it, but they may be two people short if I do. So, I sleep 3 hours and go in at 6:00.




Keith and I decided to let the boys skip one more day of school since the plane was so late. The window contractors arrive at 8:00 am to start the replacement window project. They have all the small windows done by the time I get home at 1:00 pm. They even get the slider replaced before they finish up at 4:00.




The contractors are back and on the last window, when I arrive home, there is a problem, the inside of the window was to be wood grain, this one is white….ooooops. I talk to the sales rep and we decide to order the correct window (it was a factory screw up) and they will then come back and redo the window again.






We are headed down to Rhode Island to spend some time with Keith’s mom. She has been doing a ton of work to her house and wants everyone to se it.


We arrive around 11:00 and the house looks great. The colors are wonderful and make such a difference in it. Ma has made reservations at a local Chinese food place (since this is my tradition and we are forgoing it to visit with her- nice compromiseJ)


When we get to the restaurant, my niece notices I have a dent in my car. Sweet, I have a dent in the front driver’s side-wheel well, and I have no idea how it happened. After thinking for a while, I can only venture a guess, that on the few hours my car was parked on the street while the window contractors worked in my driveway the little nit wit across the street backed out of her driveway and into my car. She is such a nit wit, she most likely didn’t even notice it. GGGGGGGRRRRRRRR!!!!!


The dinner is great and Ian even eats well. He has 2 servings of prime rib (ya at a Chinese food place the kid gets prime rib) we have to head home from the restaurant since Ian has not yet had his medication for the day.


We get home and give Ian his meds, only to have the Cyclosporine make everything come right back up. Poor kid, he was upset not because he threw up, but that he lost that really good dinner. L

Then it’s off to Home Depot to pick up more supplies for home repair. We get 2 new doors, a piece of lattice for the deck, exterior trim paint and kitchen paint. Whew!! Lots to do. We even pick up a pressure washer (it’s cheaper than renting one) so Keith can wash the house before we paint it.




Mom played hooky. I found out Saturday that most of the summer is already tied up with other people’s vacations (every weekend is booked) and I can not get any thing that I want for vacation time and I am going to be all alone Memorial Day weekend on a 3 person job. L


I spent the day cleaning the boy’s room and tossing a lot of junk, more in the getting ready to move mode.




Keith is in the ready to move mode too. He has been really moving around here. He has cleaned up the shop and today he mowed lawn, fixed lattice and a few other things around the house.




Today he played with his new toy. He pressure washed a quarter of the house. Man, what a difference.


Ian came home with a grade of 75 on a test and a note that it needed to be signed. It seems as if he just didn’t bother to get the notes that he missed last week and therefore couldn’t study for the test. He was told he had BETTER have the notes tomorrow. Neither one of the boys got much playtime today. Dylan spent most of the day farting around and taking 3 hours to do 15 minutes worth of homework. And Ian was manditoried to give me another page of his Power Ranger report that is due in a mere 13 days.


Just as I was getting ready for bed, I checked Dylan’s Best Book, to find a note from the teacher on Tuesday that he had not told me about. He is back in his vacation mode again. Mom laid down the law again and he has lost the video games, TV and Colin again. He will be doing make up work tomorrow. And his brother will be right there too, working on his report. Hmmph!






Keith is off to Umass to pick up a transcript, seems someone got a hold of our plant manager and is interested in Keith. J J


FRIDAY MAY 13Th , 2005


I have Ian dismissed from school, so that I can get his Blood work done, Dad picks him up and I get him at work at 2:00pm and  we head up to the Lab. We pick up the slip at the Dr’s office and head downstairs for the lab work. Ian has on his EMLA and is all set. That done we swing thru the near by cemetery and I pay me respects at my Dad’s grave. Ian comes too and helps me pull the tall grass away from the headstone. Then we head for home. Mom orders pizza and it’s a quiet night.




     I get a phone call from the lab, they seem to have misplaced a vial and need Ian to come BACK in so that they can get the test done, this is one that the Dr. really wants done. So I need to find time to get him there yet again. Fooey. He is not going to be happy about that.




     Dad and Lois are up from Florida and everyone is at our house for sandwiches. I arrive Home just in time for everyone to say goodbye. :::sniff:::: well since finally it is a day without rain, Keith and I hurry and change and head out side to paint the rest of the house. Finally it will be all one color again, instead of half old and peeling and half nice.





     Ian’s Project due , he has been giving me the required page per day and I did the visual aids for him, I did show him how I did it, so he can explain if need be. With all the info and the episode list it is up to 23 pages and he only needed 8.


(when he got the grade back, he got an A, but a comment that he should use his own words. HE DID!!. I am surprised at some of the words he uses on his own. But use them he does and I wrote the teacher a note to tell her so.)



SUNDAY MAY 30TH , 2005


     Mom has to work… Ian leaves for a sleep over at a friend’s house at 12:00 and mom doesn’t get home until 3:00 L

     This is the 1st weekend that it has not been raining and miserable



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