Steve's Story
Steve's recovery was NOT a pretty site. While in Loutung, Taiwan, he jumped into the trunk of a tree and refused to get out until we brought him a Taiwanese phone.
But Angel prevailed. Steve soon could not touch another Taiwanese phone without screaming in terror. His phone fettish was cured!!!
But before leaving Taiwan, during a visit to Tai Da's brand new library (National Taiwan University) in Taipei, Taiwan, we noticed Steve take interest in another odd curiosity.
Who know's what the future holds for Steve.
If you ask me, it just might include picking up phonebook sculpture as a hobby!
The story you have just read may or may not have occurred without significant amounts of fiction interjected sporadically throughout the story.
The characters in the illustrations are real, and their names have not been altered in any way to protect the innocent.
The photos used for the illustrations were all provided by Steve Lin, yet the text was from a very strange person who takes no responsibility for my, errr, I mean his dry sense of humor.
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