Welcome to the Kappa Sigma Chapter of Sigma Nu Internation Fraternity Web
site. Sigma Nu was founded in 1869 at the Virginia Military Institute on military
principles. Brothers in the Kappa Sigma Chapter exhibit the principles of
Love, Truth, and Honor everyday. We are in the business of helping young college
men better themselves throughout their college experience. We are the first
fraternity nationally to offer a comprehensive leadership educational program,
LEAD. This program has helped us maintain our position in the top three Fraternities
on campus based on GPR. The last 7 semesters our chapter has maintained a
GPR above the all male average at Texas A&M and a higher average than
the Corp of Cadets. Always willing to give back to the Community, the Kappa
Sigma chapter is involved in many philanthropies, including but not limited
to The March of Dimes, the American Red Cross, and the Brazos Valley Food
Bank. Our fraternity also provides opportunities for young men to grow socialy.
Mixing with sororities and brotherhood retreats allow young men to develop the people
skills necessary to suceed in every aspect of life.