Chondrodystrophy--"Dwarfism"--"The Funnies"

NEW!!! Beagle Genetics Summary from Dr. Neff--October 2007

On January 18 2007, Dr. Mark Neff of U.C. Davis called CWBC President Claudia Anderson to tell her that the previous day he had a significant breakthrough in identifying the genetic marker for chondrodystrophy. Dr. Neff told Claudia that they have narrowed the location of the mutation that causes chondrodystrophy to 30 genes in the same region on chromosome 6. While more research will need to be done to further determine the exact genes involved, Dr. Neff stated that with the information they have, they can begin to say that a specific Beagle does or does not carry the gene that causes the dwarfing condition.....".

DNA samples of affected beagles and close relatives are still needed for this research. You can e-mail Dr.Mark Neff or his assistant KRRobertson for more information on submitting swabs. Please send pedigrees to Darlene Stewart

Beagles affected. with chondrodystrophy of "dwarfism" can be affected in varying degrees. Some have major defects as pictured below and others mildly affected. Many survive well in geriatric years and are beloved pets. Some have competed in obedience. Below is a techincal description of the genetic disorder. Here is a link to a story about a beagle affected with this disorder. At the bottom of the page are also additional pictures.

This excerpt is from the CWBC Newsletter. To read the entire article please use this link. Use your back button to return to this page.

        Beagle with severe chondrodystrophy.Note the shortened neck, curved back and deformed front and rear legs.  Picture by Diane Quenell, published in The New Beagle. 1998 Edition (see ordering link below) Permission for posting by authors. Note the position of the front legs.   Picture by Diane Quenell, published in The New Beagle. 1998 Edition.

 Excerpts of an article by Claudia Anderson, TwainHeart Beagles Woodland, WA
(Pictures used on this site were not published in the original article.  Reproduction of text or pictures is not permitted.)