6thgrade@hilltop Early Man ABC Resources

The following are Web sites you can use to access pictures and information for your Early Man ABC book.
http://members.aol.com/Donnpages/EarlyMan.html#CHEAT : good page for information on all the early peoples. There are no pictures though.

http://www.evolutionnyc.com/IBS/SimpleCat/Shelf/ASP/Hierarchy/020T.html : great pictures of different Australopithecus fossils.

http://www.evolutionnyc.com/IBS/SimpleCat/Shelf/ASP/Hierarchy/021F.html: great pictures of other early human skulls.

http://www.sd68.bc.ca/coal/earlyman.htm: all the pictures and information you'll need for your project. Excellent resource as it was written by 7th graders.

http://www.yahooligans.com/School_Bell/Social_Studies/History/By_Subject/Prehistory/Early_Human_Species__Hominids_/: a list of great resources. You'll have to hunt around but it's well worth the effort.

http://thunder.indstate.edu/~ramanank/: the Neanderthal Web site. Everything you want to know about them is here.

Images you can use for your ABC book

sabertooth cat


Evolutionary chart


food early people ate

Cro-Magnon shelter made of mammoth bones

Neanderthal man

art made by Cro-Magnon

Neanderthal tools


This page was created by Mr. Sustal