Psittacine Beak & Feather Disease (PBFD)
An Epidemic On The Horizon
This disease does not discriminate.
It doesn't care if you think you're a good breeder.
It doesn't care if you're a caring bird owner is a disease on the horizon of becoming an epidemic
YOUR BIRD could be next....
Welcome to the PBFD Information Site
We realize that many of you would like to know not only the damage that this disease is capable of, but also what's being done to fight this circovirus.
Many researchers, laboratories, scientists, and veterinarians are engaged in a battle to come up with solid answers and information on how to control this virus. Hopefully someday in the near future a vaccine will be available.
Branson Ritchie, DVM, PhD, Dipl ABVP, from the University of Georgia, USA just presented a paper at the Association of Avian Veterinarians Conference in Portland Oregon on September 1, 2000. This paper titled, "Documentation of a PBFD Virus Variant in Lorikeets." is included in the Proceedings from the 21st Annual Conference & Expo, and can be ordered after November 2000 from AAV Publications Office.
We are unable to post this paper to our site at this time due to copyright material included in the proceedings manual. All rights are reserved by AAV Publications. No part of this publication may be reproduced or photocopied at this time.
Holly Reed, DVM from the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium has presented a paper to the American Zoological Association Conference, September 16, 2000. Her paper is titled, Circovirus in Lories and Lorikeets.
Research Associates Laboratories, Inc., Milford Ohio, (represented by Dr. Bob Dahlhausen and Dr. Steve Radabaugh) are currently completing a three year study on PBFD. They are also writing a report to be presented some time in the near future on their studies and findings.
Science can move slowly when we are eager to learn about new solutions to fight this virus. We hope to include all of these papers and are working on obtaining permission from these Veterinarians as soon as copyrighted material can be turned over to public domain.
Please be patient and bear with us. As soon as we receive permission from these authors we are hoping to add it to this site.
We thank you for your patience.
Disclaimer:This website and the material presented within comes exclusively from the authors identified in each written story of their personal experience.
It reflects the personal experiences and view of each individual, their opinions and personal speculations.
It does not necessarily represent the thoughts or conclusions of any group of Professional Laboratories, Universities, Scientific Researchers nor the Veterinarian Communities.Any information learned from these experiences should be discussed with your personal Veterinarian or Laboratory or University on topics contained within this site.
This information and personal experiences and conclusions are those of the authors and are not meant to replace the good judgment or educated instructions of your Veterinarian.
Any questions on the material and information should be discussed with an Educated Professional better trained in the techniques or procedures pertaining to all the assumed advice given by these authors on the subject of Psitticine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD).You as readers may feel free to photocopy any of these articles for discussion with your personal veterinarian.
L. Wagner-Chambers
- site owner
Our Mission Statement
What is PBFD? What are the signs and symptoms?
PBFD - A Few Myths & Facts
How To Test Your Birds For PBFD
A Few Laboratory Listings
Pictures Of Birds With PBFD
Bird Marts - The Single Greatest Threat to Avian Health in the New Millennium!
- By Ernie Colaizzi
Some Very Important PBFD Links
New! Tommy's Story - A Holland based website with a very important message about PBFD.
Circovirus in Lories and Lorikeets - By Dr. Holly Reed, DVM
Current Concepts On PBFD & Avian Polyomavirus - By Dr. Bob Dahlhausen MS, DVM & Dr. C. Steven Radabaugh MS, DVM.
PBFD Site Of Murdoch University - - courtesy of Murdoch University of Perth, Western Australia
Budgerigars Galore - Research On Feather Disease
Psittacine Beak & Feather Disease - by Dr. Garry Cross
Newsletter - Psittacine Circoviral Disease - by Peter Brown
Psittacine Beak & Feather Disease (PBFD) - The Latest News by, Vicki Fenton, John Fenton & Josie Pyle
Polly Wants a Vaccine - By David Hart
Polyomavirus Links Avian Polyomavirus: My Thoughts - By Dr. David M. Phalen, DVM, PhD
A Few Personal Experiences
Tommy Had PBFD - A story about Tommy the African Grey, Submitted by Ellen, of Ellen's Parrots
So You Want To Raise Birds For Fun & Profit? -Or Is It Raising Birds With Blood, Sweat, & Tears. - Submitted by Anonymous
A Lory Nightmare By Bobbi Meyer
My Personal Experiences With PBFDV By Sharon Casmier
A New or Maybe a Not-so-New Disease of Lories By James B. Taylor
If you have a personal experience with PBFD that you'd like to share, please click here to send us your story.
We realize that anonymity may be important to certain individuals to protect their names. For this reason, we use strict confidentiality when dealing with any personal experiences. Names can be witheld or changed at author's request.
We hope that you'll begin to see the importance of testing your birds, so hopefully no one else has to deal with this devastating disease.
Please tell everyone you can about this website. For those of you with webpages, please add a link to this website.
It's our hope that one day, this disease will be a thing of the past. Together, we may be able to make a difference.
Special thanks to those who contributed their stories above. This page is maintained by, L. Wagner-Chambers - last updated on May 6, 2007