Inside, Haruka was trapped against the wall of her room.  "You were right," commented the man, "This is something special indeed."
Haruka pulled her transformation wand from inside her jacket but her illness made her too weak and she dropped it.
"Let's devour her energy!" demanded the dummy eagerly.  The man agreed.  The dummy started draining Haruka!
"I don't know who you are, but I, Sailor Neptune, guarded by the god of the sea, will not tolerate your actions!"
"The maid failed," stated the dummy.
"She wasn't very useful," agreed the man.

Sailor Neptune instructed the man to release Haruka.
"I'm afraid that's not possible," replied the man, "After all, there aren't many people with such delicious energy."
Neptune moved to an attack posture.  The man held up his hand.  "It may be better to listen to my story first, young lady."
"The bottle I have here," the man indicated the bottle held by the dummy, "is called the Spirit Sealing Bottle.  Do you know what will happen if this bottle is broken?"
"What happens?  What happens?" demanded the dummy.
"All the shadows of the world will attack their owners," explained the man.
"Wow, that's scary!" exclaimed the dummy.  The dummy rotated his head a full 360 degrees.
Michiru scowled.  "You don't have any proof that the story is true."  She looked towards Haruka.
"Must be a tough choice for a heroine to make," mused the man, "Please stay put while I take her energy.  A bit of movement may cause the bottle to break."
"Deep Submerge!"
