Sailor Moon realized she was inside Rubeus ship. She and Rini were shocked by what they saw. Rubeus was delighted that he had captured all the Sailor Scouts, the Silver Crystal and the Rabbit as well!
Sailor Moon told Rubeus that he had been fooled. "This isn't the Rabbit, it's just my little cousin Rini" she told him, "You don't think I would bring the real Rabbit right into your trap, do you?" Rubeus said he that he would beat Sailor Moon up first and then check if the girl was the Rabbit or not after. Sailor Moon told Rini to go hide somewhere safe. Rini nodded and ran to the side. Rubeus blasted Sailor Moon. He said his ship could amplify his power many times. Rubeus was able to control the gravity on the ship and he sent Sailor Moon flying up until she hit the ceiling.
Rini ran towards the Sailor Scouts who were unconcious and their hands and feet trapped inside cross-shaped crystals. When she got close she ran into a strong barrier. Rubeus realized from the energy reaction that Rini was the "Rabbit". Rini tried again to break through the barrier but Rubeus said that no one could get through the high pressure electric field. Rini noticed that whenever the field activated, a large crystal nearby glowed brightly. Rubeus turned his attention back to Sailor Moon who was floating helplessly in his zero-gravity beam. Rubeus switched the beam to super-gravity and crushed Sailor Moon into the floor. The crystal glowed brightly as the force increased more and more.
Sailor Moon slowly forced herself to her feet. Rubeus was dumbfounded. "No one can withstand super-gravity!" Sailor Moon said that Rini was trying so hard to save her friends and she wouldn't try less hard than Rini. "Moon Sceptre Magic...."

Rubeus and Sailor Moon launched simultaneous attacks!