The Guadalupe Mountains of New Mexico have an abundance of beauty located in their hidden chambers below the surface. Two of the most well-known caves in the Guads are Carlsbad Caverns, which is owned and operated as a commercial cave by the Park Service, and Lechuguilla Cave, which is also located on Park lands. All the caves listed on this site are located on National Park or National Forest Lands. These caves require a permit for entry that is issued either by the Park Service or the Forestry Service. Some of the caves are self guided and others require a guide. Entry into any cave without a permit is considered TRESPASSING! The caves in the Guadalupe Mountains are generally very dry with a few isolated pools of water to be found. Over the years, many of these caves have been damaged by inconsiderate users. Great efforts have been made by the caving community and the Park and Forestry Services to restore these caves to their former beauty. These efforts are greatly appreciated and will ensure that these caves will be enjoyed by many generations to come. ENJOY THE PHOTOS!