(c) Copyright 1998 - 2005
Convair Rockhound Association
San Diego, California
We are a family oriented organization open to everyone interested in the creation of gems and jewelry, minerals, camping, rockhounding, and general good fellowship. A wide variety of interests and activities come together under the CONVAIR ROCKHOUND ASSOCIATION, INC. banner.
Club activities include:
After sampling the many different areas of interest, many members specialize in one or more areas. Some may concentrate on specific materials such as opal, petrified wood, fire agate or a specific activity such as carving sculptures in gemstone material, faceting gemstones, intarsia, stone sphere making, casting and silversmithing jewelry, beading and collecting minerals, fossils, geodes or other things. Many read, study or take courses in gemology, geology, paleontology, etc.
If you are interested in any of these,
you are invited to attend our monthly meetings and get to know us and the
activities we all enjoy. The monthly meetings are held in the Tierrasanta
Recreation Center, 11202 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., on the first Tuesday of
each month, September through June, at 6:30 PM.
Click on map for full page
CRA Meeting Site
Tierrasanta Recreation Center
11202 Clairemont Mesa Blvd.
San Diego, California 92124
You may also receive more information sending
an e-mail
to us with your questions.
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Rock Peddler
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