Bazel Bratcher Deed 1801
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This Indenture made the Twentieth day of January, in the year of our lord Eighteen Hundred and one Between Bazel Bracher of the County of Craven State of North Carolina.  Yeoman of the One part and Mathew Stevens of the County and State aforesaid farmer of the other part.  Witnefseth that the said Bazel Bratcher for and in consideration of the sum of Forty Pounds Lawful money to him in hand paid by the said Mathew Stevens at and before the ensealing and delivering of these Presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by the said Bazel Bracher, hat granted bargained and Sold aliend enfcoffed conveyed and confirmed and confirm unto the said Mathew Stevens and to his heirs and afsigns forever, all that Tract or parcel of land situated in the County and State aforesaid on the South Side of Neuse River and on one of the branches of Slocombs Creek called Core Swamp which lies within the lines of a Tract of land belonging to Thomas M. Lin formerly longing to James Davis who held it by Patent.  the aforesaid land being part of a Tract which was located by John Taylor who conveyed a moiety of it to his Son Absalom Taylor who conveyed said Moiety and first mentioned Tract of land to Roger Bracher who by virtue of his last will left said Tract to his son Bazel Bracher aforementioned begining at a Sweet Gum near the Run side in Core Swamp thence running west to pine thence along a line of marked trees to a small branch, thence down said branch to the aforesaid Run thence with the Run to the first Station.  containing fifty Acres more or lefs together with all and singular the Houses Mefsuages improvements ways waters Minerals rights Liberties Priviledges Hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said Tract of Land belonging or in anywise appurtaining thereunto with the reversions and Remainders Rents Ifsues & profits of all and singular the hereby grants premises and the Deeds Papers and writings in his pofsifsion thereto appertaining, to have and To hold the said Tract or parcel of Land and Premises Situated Limited and bounded as in manner above described and granted and bargained premises and every part and parcel thereof with every of the appurtinances unto the said Mathew Stevens and to his heirs & afsigns to the only proper use benefit and behoof of him the siad Mathew Stevens his heirs and afsigns forever and the said Bazel Bracher for himself his heirs Executors and adminstrators doth covenant promise and grant to and with the said Mathew Stevens his Heirs & Afsigns by thes presents in manner and form following, that is To say, Bazel Bracher and his afsigns & heirs the Said Tract or parcel of Land as above described and granted and bargained premises and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto him the sd Mathew Stevens his heirs and afsigns against himself the said Bazel Bracher and his heirs to the only against all and every other person or person lawfully claiming or pretending to claim any Estate right or Title thereunto or to any part or parcel thereof shall and will Warrant and forever defend by these presents and that he the said Mathew Stevens his heirs & afsigns shall and may from time to time and at all times hereafter quietly and peaceably have hold and occupy pofsefs and enjoy all and singular the said Tract of land and granted and bargained Premises within the appurtenances without the lawful Let Suit Troubles denial eviction ejection Molestation or other interruption of him the said Bazel Bracher his heirs Executors Administrators or afsigns.  And in Witnefs whereof the said Bazel Bracher have to them presents set his hand and affixed his Seal dated the day and year first above written.
Sealed and Delivered
in the presence of
Meshick Always
James Mace

Bazel Bracher {Seal}

State of North Carolina
Craven County
} March Term 1801
Then was the aforesaid Deed prove in open Court by the oath of Meshick Always one of the Subscribing Witnefses thereto and order to be Registered

attest  Saml Chapman C. C.