Here's a quick look at the biopsy sample you sent after we cut it - this is an unstained sample. Note the shrunken cells and holes - this is typically what we observe when samples are not properly fozen.

Here's what a "normal" sample looks like (here the cells have been stained for myosin - but look at the nicely preserved cell structure!)


Here are some images that show how we freeze our samples - these might help to improve your future samples:


1. Isopentane, in the metal container in the center, is cooled by lowering the container onto liquid nitrogen. Don't dip the metal container too deeply into the liquid nitrogen - a few millimeters is enough.


2. Muscle is mounted in small pieces with the fibers pointing away from the corkboard. (sorry for the slightly out of focus pictures)

3. Forceps are pushed through the center of the board to serve as a handle.

4. The whole board is dipped in the cooled isopentane container. If you look closely you'll notice the white solid that has formed at the bottom of the metal beaker - this is a sign the the isopentane is properly cooled.

After about 30 sec to 1 min we quickly transfer the board to a plastic vial and put the vial in liquid nitrogen until it is transfered to the -80 freezer for storage. (You can actually see the vials we use in the figure under point 1 next to the thermos)