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1000 Sonnen oder Dr.Jockel an der Macht
1000 Suns or Dr.Jockel In Power/ political satire
Book & Lyrics: Erich Moechel. Premiere: September 1999, Theater Scala, Vienna. Biting musical satire on the New European Right; the main character beares strong resemblance to Joerg Haider, the head of the Austrian Freedom Party which recently came to power in Austira. Political humor along the lines with Wag the Dog, Bulworth and The Second Civil War -- with music!!
Songs and Satire from Theresienstadt / Ghetto cabaret
Premiere: Theater im Rabenhof, Vienna 1992-95. Further performances in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Zurich, Salzburg and other leading stages in Germany and Switzerland. English version ran in 1994-95 in Florida and was shown in Washington and London. Cabaret based entirely on songs and sketches written and performed by Jewish inmates of the Ghetto Theresienstadt in 1942-44.
Feast During the Plague / musical drama
Text: a Short Tragedy by Alexander Pushkin (1830) Presented at Pushkin Bicentennial (June 6 1999) at the Club Moscow on Manhattan; the new English translation by Matvey Yankelevich. Other productions: Moscow Chekhov MKHAT, Vienna Jugendstiltheater and Russian Cultural Center, Berlin 1991(in German), Russian State TV, 1989. The most beloved Pushkin one-act set to music. The play, which title has long become a metaphore, never loses its actuality -- in Russia or elsewhere.
Red Riding! Red Riding!/ musical fairy tale for the whole family
Book & Lyrics: Ernst Ekker. English translation David Kramer. Premiere: Theater im Künstlerhaus 1998, Theater Akzent, Vienna 1999, German Theater in Timisoara, Rumania 2000. A fairy tale with a twist. Little Red Riding Hood falls in love and sends the charming Rock-Wolf, who never parts from his guitar, to her animal-loving Grandma, who plays cards, dances twist and chases away the Hunters with a saxophone...
Romeo & Juliet in Sarajevo / Shakespeare musical
InterkulTheater and Ensembletheater, Vienna 1995-97. Shakespearean text interwoven with the new dialogue that sets the story in besieged Sarajevo. With singers from Bosnia, Croatia, Austria, the US and Russia. After its Vienna premiere -- on the day the Dayton agreement was reached -- the show went on tour in Croatia and Bosnia.
Max & Moritz  / children's opera
Theater im Kuenstlerhaus, InterkulTheater and Vindobona, Vienna, 1994-98. Two naughty boys taking revenge on adults. Possibly the most popular German children's book turned into a piece that introduces kids to different music styles -- from rock to baroque. Three singers, three musicians and lots of fun with audience participation.
Behind the Mirror(Hinter dem Spiegel)/ chansons
Musical in Chansons for and with Sandra Kreisler. Premiere: Theater K&K, Vienna, 1994.
Star of Vienna cabaret scene unveils the tale of love and frustration of a singer on her way from Vienna to Miami and back.
Victory Over the Sun / futurist opera
Theater im Kuenstlerhaus, Vienna, 1993, performances in Klagenfurt, Salzburg and Moscow, 1993, St. Petersburg,1997. This work, written together with the Austrian avant-garde composer Dieter Kaufmann, calls to life the legendary 1913 "suprematist" opera with stage design & costumes by Kazimir Malevich. Behind the hi-tech and absurdist fun hides a parabole of the ever-changing life.
Don Juan  / tragic musical
Text: Pushkin. Stage productions in Moscow Chekhov MKHAT and Vienna Jugendstiltheater, 1991. Together with "Feast During the Plague" and "Mozart & Salieri" DJ formed the first Austrian-Russian musical co-production "CrossRoads".
The R + J Musical(Romeo and Juliet) / musical
Text: Shakespeare. George Tabori's Theater Kreis, Vienna, 1990. Musical version of Shakespeare's tragedy using only original Bard's verses, which are swing'd, rap'd and jazz'd. Romantic and tragic show with haunting melodies and dazzling rhytms.
Ophelia/ opera in blue
Text: Shakespeare. Concert performances in Moscow 1985-87; Stage productions in Roter Engel, Vienna 1988, Moscow Chamber Opera 1990-91, Guildford School for Drama, England, 1993. Four scenes from "Hamlet" focusing at Ophelia who is driven to madness by her brother (Laertes), her father (Polonius) and her lover (Hamlet).
Don Perlimplin/ melodrama
Text. Garcia Lorca's play "Don Perlimplin Loved Belisa in Garden". Concet performances in Moscow 1984.

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