Gateway To Lady Delta's Dream Retreat

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Heritage Genealogy Site of the Month!

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It was an honor to receive this award in  March 1999.  Thank you so much!


Hello!  I am glad that you found this page. This is the Gateway to Lady Delta's Dream Retreat (aka The McKnight's Home Page). The images in the applet above are from various categories covered in this web site. Those categories are: My Family, My Genealogy, My Art, My Husband Kent, and some of his beloved Navy Planes.

The September   holidays are:

Labor Day, on the 4th, Grandparents Day, on the 10th, Rosh Hashanah on the  30th,

The October holidays are:

Yom Kippur, Columbus Day, Canadian thanksgiving Day. all on October 9, Bosses Day, on the 16th, and Halloween on the 31.

Don't forget someone you love will have a Birthday soon!!

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TOMI Designs by Lady Delta

If you need a simple design, a special button or graphic, email  me with the specifics, and I will try to help you. Complicated designs or web page development and/or expansion contracts available.

The following items will be a consideration in my decision to create a "free" design/button for you.

  • One - place my Design Button on the page with the graphic.
  • Two - Link the Design Button back to this site at
  • Three -  your site must be family/child safe - absolutely no pornography.
  • Four - Email your URL to me,  so that I can visit your page.

Thanks!       Lady Delta!

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Scenic Photos of United States Locations

The section covering scenic photos taken in various locations throughout the United States has been revamped.  Check out the gorgeous lake applets on the  North Carolina, Florida, and Utah pages.  Watch for more states coming soon.  Click here to view the Scenic Photos or use the popup menu near the bottom of this page.

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Original Art!

Check out my painting of the month.   New painting posted on August 27, 2000.  I had fun creating this painting and hope that you like it.!   Also, come visit my new site Martha's Art Gallery and let me know what you think!

A New Find

If you are interested in viewing Nautical Images and Poetic Expressions, visit Lynne Jean Expressions.

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There are so many wonderful sites created by hardwork and love.   It is only fitting that awards be available to recognize your labors; therefore, I have created awards to cover a number of categories, including Genealogy, so that you may have a choice.  Just pick out the one you like best.  Also, there is one very special award for which you must apply.   Click here to view the awards.

To begin your journey, either click on the Enter button or make a selection from the popup menu.  Both are located near the bottom of this page.

You areSpecial Guest Number

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I am a proud member of:

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I received my spirit Stick on February 10, 1999. Please help spread good spirit by taking and placing it on your web site!

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Enter My Dream World Inspirational Pages!

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This button will take you to The McKnight Family Center.  Come on in and meet us!

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Thank you for Visiting.  Please take a moment to sign my guestbook before you go!




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Check out these great Books,CDs and Videos!

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