Sci-fi (Babylon5, Dune, Blade Runner, Dr. Who????
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R. Karl Werner
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Captain Lee VallerieCaptain Lee Vallerie's Home Page
My wife Cathy has a homepage atCathy Jaggard's Homepage
My sister Margot Christensen's Renaissance Realm Way Cool!!!!!
Here is a link to my friend and cousin David Allen Hill in Mission Viejo, California
David Allen Hill's Homepage
and a link to where I workWilliam J. Hughes Technical Center (FAA) - Atlantic City, NJI am a C++ prgrammer on the TCAS project having just completed some prototype work on an AI project using RTworksTalarianI work for Systems Resources Corporation.
Here is a very special page. Here I try to explain Why I am a Christian. Please take some time to look at the material and links I have put here especially for you!!
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