Recommended Reading

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Motivation and Learning, Spence Rogers

Teaching Tips : 105 Ways to Increase Motivation & Learning

150 Ways to Increase Intrinsic Motivation in the Classroom

by Seuss, Jack Prelutsky, Lane Smith

The Complete Guide to the Learning Styles Inservice System Rita Stafford Dunn, Kenneth J. Dunn / Paperback / Published 1999

How to Implement and Supervise a Learning Style Program by Rita Stafford Dunn

Improved Test Scores, Attitudes, and Behaviors in America's Schools : Supervisors' Success Stories by Rita Stafford Dunn & Thomas C. Debello (Editors)/Published 1999

Marching to Different Drummers by Pat Burke Guild, Stephen Garger, 1998.

The Kid's Guide to Social Action by Barbara Lewis

Successful Intelligence : How Practical and Creative Intelligence Determine Success in Life by Robert J. Sternberg

Developing Character in Students by Dr. Philip Vincent

Making the Most of Today:
Daily readings for Young people on self-awareness, creativity & self-esteem

Making Every Day Count:
Daily readings for young people on solving problems, setting goals, and feeling good about yourself

Outsmarting IQ : The Emerging Science of Learnable Intelligence by David Perkins

What Is It About Me You Can't Teach : An Instructional Guide for the Urban Educator by Eleanor Renee Rodriguez, James Bellanca

Brain Compatible Classrooms by Robin Fogarty

What to Look for in a Classroom and Other Essays... by Alfie Kohn

What do you Stand For? A kid's Guide to Building Character

Building Character in Schools by Kevin Ryan and Karen Bohlin

Educating Hearts and Minds by Edward F. Deroche

by Robert Coles

Making Connections : Teaching and the Human Brain by Renate Nummela Caine, Geoffrey Caine

Brain-Based Learning & Teaching by Eric Jensen

Howard E. Gardner

Teaching With Multiple Intelligence by Julia Jasmine

Teaching and Learning Through Multiple Intelligence by Campbell

Teaching Character: Teachers Idea Book for Middle School Grades by Anne Dotson and Karen Dotson

Advisor/Advisee Character Education: Lesson for Teachers and Counselors by Sarah Sadlow

Developing Character in Students by Philip Vincent

Helen Irlen

Super Teaching by Eric P. Jensen

Teaching and Counseling Gifted and Talented Adolescents : An International Learning Style Perspective by Roberta M. Milgram, Rita Dunn, Gary E. Price (Editor)

Multiculturalism and Learning Style : Teaching and Counseling Adolescents by Rita Dunn, Shirley A. Griggs

How to Implement and Supervise a Learning Style Program by Rita Stafford Dunn

Teaching Young Children Through Their Individual Learning Styles : Practical Approaches for Grades K-2 by Rita Dunn, Kenneth Dunn

Multiculturalism and Learning Style : Teaching and Counseling Adolescents by Rita Stafford Dunn, Shirley A. Griggs

Teaching Elementary Students Through Their Individual Learning Styles : Practical Approaches for Grades 3-6 by Rita Dunn, Kenneth Dunn

Teaching Secondary Students Through Their Individual Learning Styles : Practical Approaches for Grades 7-12 by Rita Stafford Dunn, Kenneth J. Dunn

Bringing Out the Giftedness in Your Child : Nurturing Every Child's Unique Strengths, Talents, and Potential by Rita Dunn, Kenneth Dunn (Contributor), Donald J. Treffinger

: The Ultimate Teenage Success Guide

Every Child Can Succeed : Making the Most of Your Child's Learning Style by Cynthia Ulrich Tobias

Learning Styles in the Esl/Efl Classroom (Newbury House Teacher Development) by Joy M. Reid (Editor)

Nurturing Intelligences by Brian Haggerty

Eight Ways of Knowing : Teaching for Multiple Intelligences by David G. Lazear

Active Learning Handbook for the Multiple Intelligences : Classroom (Shoebox Curriculum) by James Bellanca

Multiple Intelligences : A Collection by Robin Fogarty

More Than Fifty Ways to Build Team Consensus by R. Bruce Williams

The Power to Lead : A Guidebook for School Administrators on Facilitating Change by Frank Siccone

Twelve Roles of Facilitators for School Change by R. Bruce Williams

Learner-Centered Principalship : The Principal As Teacher of Teachers by William G., Sr. Webster

Principle-Centered Leadership by Stephen R. Covey

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