The travel bug started to hit me right after the shutterbug. And now I'm close to terminal stage caused by these 2 bugs!

Initially, my travel was mainly aimed to get nice photographs. I traveled because I wanted to fix my shutterbug. I have to get away to look for new subjects and the exotic lighting not offered in Singapore.

Well, things are slightly different now. I'm getting greedy - I want to travel and take nice photos at the same time! And I've now an ambition - to cover all the five continents together with my camera.

I will not want to join a package tour targeted at the typical family man. There's no flexiblity in schedule and I hate their side-trip to the tourist shops. Neither could I go the other extreme on a shoestring backpacking tour. Unless I'm willing to reduce my camera gear, I will be weighed down by the heavy backpack, camera bag and tripod. So my mode of travel will be something inbetween the two.


Travel Links
Lonely Planet
    Thorn Trees
A Global World

Flights & Fares
NatasVTMAsia TravelMartTISS, Travelocity, Ken Air, ChanBrothers, Airfares
Changi Airport Flight Info

Car Rental

Currency Exchange Rate
CNN, X-Rate, Asia1 FX, Asia1 Currency Converter

CNN, Yahoo

Travel News
LP Scope, CNN

National Geographic, Ken's Air, Lonely Planet Destination, Singapore Street Directory, Singapore Power

Time Zone
World Time Zone, Time Zone Page, Converter



Ken's Air


Alta Vista Translation
Travel Lang
Online Dictionary

Other Travel Related Sites
Rec.Travel Library
Photo Secrets
Travel Guides for Photographers


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