
In no way is this to be considered an endorsement of any of the breeders, companies, organizations, or sites listed nor is it a recommendation or guarantee of the health, breeding or quality of the dogs, or any other service. This page is meant purely as an aid in helping you to find the puppy you are looking for or the information you are looking for. Please check all these breeder's, companies', organization's and site's references as well as require a written health guarantee and or contract. With that being said, ENJOY!

Breeders we know personaly
Foremost Shelties
Logan Isle Shelties

Visit other Sheltie Sites
Merrie-Go Shelties
Fanfare Shelties
Kaytel Shelties
Kazon Shelties
Enchanted Heart
Ruffian Shelties
Talamar Shelties
Twilight Shelties

Informational Sites
National Dog Registry
The American Kennel Club (AKC)
Pro Dog Networks
The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA)
American Shetland Sheepdog Association (ASSA)
WWVet Worldwide Vet online information

Sheltie Lists
Farokh's Sheltie List
Shetland Sheepdog - H List

Our Home Page
Kry'san Shelties