Current Ismay: Paul Kandel
Original Ismay: David Garrison

The Daily Mirror 19th April 1912 (Excerpts)

Mr. Bruce Ismay, who is among the survivors of the Titanic, is very well known in society. His daughter, it may be remembered, was only married two or three weeks ago. Mr James Ismay, a younger brother, is at present lying very ill with pneumonia at Iwerne Manor, Blandford, and has not yet been informed of the disaster to the Titanic. Mr James Ismay has been twice married. His first wife was Lady Margaret Seymour, a daughter of the late Lord Hertford. A few years ago he married Miss Moreton, a daughter of Colonel and Mrs Moreton, who live at Bembridge, Isle of Wight.

Mrs. Ismay's Grief

It was after motoring from Devonshire to Fishguard on Monday evening that Mrs Bruce Ismay received the telegram informing her of the Titanic disaster. With an effort she reached the telephone office, but was so overcome with emotion that utterance became impossible, and for a full hour following, she remained in a state of collapse till the news of her husband's safety came in a telegram.

April 22nd

Mr. Ismay, discussing the work of the investigating committee with interviewers, described it as "brutally unfair". "I have searched my mind with the deepest care. I am sure I did nothing I should not have done. My conscience is clear. I took a chance of escape when it came to me. I did not seek it. Every woman and child had been cared for before I left, and more, all the men within reach had been cared for before I took my turn"

Ismay, late in life: This was one of Mrs. Ismay's favorite pictures of her husband.

Mr. Ismay has announced (says a Reuter message) that he has given instructions to all lines under the control of the International Mercantile Marine Company to equip all its steamers with sufficient lifeboats and rafts to carry all the passengers and crew, without regard to the regulations prescribed by the Government of any nation.

Ismay with Lord Pirrie

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