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Thanks for checking me out! I am working on a dissertation involving John Donne, death, and martyrdom. I am developing this site for use with my project and also as a resource center for newslinks and fun stuff the world over.
Why not choose how you can help me with one of these exciting topics? You know, anything on English Renaissance death stuff, martyrology, and/or Donne's Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions. Please! Aid me in my plight! And while we're on the subject of school, check out my alma maters: Cal State University, Bakersfield, and Sussex University.
But life is not all death, Donne, and martyrdom. I'm not just a bookish student! Come with me to England ... or, see this page of dubious intention. Here are some clues to my darker side: Edward Gorey and
Area 51. No laughing matter indeed!
See Judy Alfter's atomic diseases photography project site. And then there's the home of all things purple.

Beware the salmon mousse!

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