Welcome to my web site ..... If this is your first visit, I'm glad you're here.  If you've been here before, I'm glad you're back.  I hope that you enjoy your visit and find something interesting to share with a friend!

I Like Pigs

Pigs that dance, and pigs that prance, and pigs that cuddle and coo.
Pigs that wiggle and pigs that giggle, all pigs ..... old and new.
Pigs that wink and pigs that blink, and pigs that remind me of you!

Pigs that sigh, and pigs that cry, and pigs that dance with glee.
Pigs that sing and pigs that swing and pigs on bended knee.
Pigs that romp, and pigs that stomp, do pigs remind you of me?

If you find anything on my website that you want, please, by all means take it.
 However, if you take my name, you must also take Mr. Shults.
 Please forward shipping address via email!

Rising Star - Deep In The Heart of Texas

Mr. and  Mrs. Shults

Things My Mother Taught Me

Rising Star Farmers

Every Man Needs A Wife


Are They Yankees?

For Ladies Only

Man of The Month Centerfold

Consider Yourself Cuddled



Pigs, Pigs and More Pigs


Why not visit my Simple Minded Sisterz website?

 Kate's Corner


 I don't have a guest book.

If you have something to say ..... send me an email!

It's easy just click on the mailbox.


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This page was last updated on November 16, 2002.