Ke Aloha

Lili`uokalani (1838-1917), the last queen of Hawai`i

"And wherever [the Hawaiian] went, he said 'Aloha' in meeting or in parting.

'Aloha' was a recognition of life in another. If there was life, there was mana [spiritual essence/energy], goodness and wisdom, and if there was goodness and wisdom, there was a God-quality. One had to recognize the 'God of Life' in another before saying 'Aloha', but this was easy.

Life was everywhere-- in the trees, the flowers, the ocean, the fish, the birds, the pili grass, the rainbow, the rock--in all the world was life -- was God -- was Aloha. Aloha, in its gaiety, joy, happiness, abundance. Because of Aloha, one gave without thought of return; because of Aloha, one had mana.

Aloha had its own mana. It never left the giver, but flowed freely and continuously between giver and receiver.

'Aloha' could not be thoughtlessly or indiscriminately spoken, for it carried its own power. No Hawaiian could greet another with 'Aloha' unless he felt it in his own heart.

If he felt anger or hate in his heart, he had to cleanse himself before he said 'Aloha'."

~ Queen Lili`uokalani


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