The Hawaiian Music Directory - To break out of another site's frame, click here.
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  Main Page 

Aloha kâua!

  • The medium is Hawaiian music.

  • The message is Aloha.

  • The mission of this Web site is to share Hawaiian music, its Aloha and healing power with the world.

"If you love somebody or something, don't hold back.  
Give it a bit of a push.  
The next one along might really make it shine.  
None of this is for us to possess, but to enjoy.  
And  pass it along, enhanced by the wealth of our experiences.

If there is a song within you, sing it out."

~ Kâwika Kia`i

My passion is the perpetuation of the Hawaiian language and culture.
Loving Hawaiian music as I do, I'm giving it a bit of a push 
with the creation of this directory. I'm not holding back.

Perhaps you are the next one along 
who will really make Hawaiian music shine? 

And bathe the world  with Hawaiian music's
 sweet melodies and resonant harmonies,
immersing it in its gentle, yet powerful healing? 

Me ke Aloha, 
Aunty D, 
who is on a mission to spread a little bit of Aloha around the world

(Mahalo â nui to The Mana`o Company for their excellent song and to Ryan Kawailani Ozawa for posting it on Hawai`i Stories for all to enjoy and share its message.)


Click on the pages to your left 
to  find the answers to your
questions about Hawaiian music and its musicians, artists, and supporters.

  • WHO:  

    From the ancient chanter to the present-day star,
    if there's a site about a musician who has contributed to HAWAIIAN music and my fingers, with the help of, were guided to it, it's linked in this directory. 

Departed musicians are included in this directory as a tribute to their contributions. By remembering them, thinking of them, talking with them, and engaging them in them in our thinking and plans, they live on and continue to help us along the way. 

As for our present-day musicians, shouting their names across the cyber-universe will expose them to the world. By reaching their fullest potential, they in turn will help nâ mamo (our descendants).

Learn to pronounce your favorite musicians' names correctly to preserve their meanings, which  are of paramount importance in Hawaiian culture, and making the effort to say it right is not only pono (proper), but always appreciated

  • WHEN / WHERE:  

    If you enjoy live Hawaiian music, venue information is included, as available, to help plan your next trip to visit and support your favorites with your presence and shout "Hana hou!" (Hawaiian equivalent to "Encore!")

Also support those venues (hotels and organizations) that support Hawaiian music and musicians.  Be sure to check Auntie Maria's Concert Calendar for live music near you. 

  • HOW:

    If you are a fan
    , here's how to express your Mahalo for your favorite musician's music.   We live in a cyber-world, and you can e-mail them!

Your expressed, positive thoughts will energize their efforts.  Your  "Geev `em", "Shaka", "Atta boy",  or "You go, girl!" is always appreciated.  

Many musicians work two jobs (day and night) to make ends meet, so please understand if you do not receive replies.  What is important is your expression of Mahalo from your heart.

Respecting the privacy of the musicians, only addresses publicly posted on the Internet are included in this directory.

  • HOW do I book these musicians?  

    If you are a promoter, impresario / concert organizer or promoter, convention coordinator, show producer, talent agent, or simply want to hire Hawaiian talent  for your next special occasion,
    contact information has been gathered, organized, and linked  for you.

Hawaiian music and specifically its Aloha are at the brink of a world-wide explosion, as was clearly prophesied by our kûpuna (elders, ancestors).  

Get a leg up.

  • HOW do I begin retailing Hawaiian music? 

    If you are a retailer, big-time or small-time, broad or niche,
    information has been gathered for you to easily contact CD labels, producers, and/or distributors for you to easily obtain Hawaiian CDs. 

Make it easy for people to purchase Hawaiian music.  Whether your retail enterprise is a small gift shop, a cozy boutique or a huge enterprise, share your passion with your customers. 

Order a selection of your favorites for your customers. Place them on the front counter.  You'll be amazed how contagious your enthusiasm for Hawaiian music is!  Hawaiian music is sure to build goodwill.

  • WHERE do I buy Hawaiian music on-line? WHAT's out there? 

Fortunately, on-line Hawaiian music retailers are just a click away. Go to: Retailers, On-line

This is a non-commercial site, yet many retailers are linked to this site.  Why? Primarily, because their sites contain a wealth of educational information, and what's more educational than audio clips to ldirectly experience Hawaiian music!

In Hawai`i, I make it a point to stop by  at my favorite Hawaiian store, Native Books & Beautiful Things.

Keep in mind: Individual CD sales help support our musicians and their families by providing their livelihoods. 

You make a real difference.

By purchasing Hawaiian CDs music, you put your money where your  mouth is, i.e., you tangibly support what you claim to love.  The satisfaction of kôkua (helping) is priceless in itself, but Hawaiian music always gives back more.  In return, besides the hours of  pleasurable listening, you provide a soothing balm for your soul. 

The movie, "Pay It Forward"  (as opposed to pay-it-back) is about a child who has an idea on how to create a better world: if kindness comes to you, pass it on to three more people and challenge them to do likewise.  So one becomes three. Three becomes nine.  Nine becomes 81.  And so on. 

Likewise, if someone has introduces you to the richness of Hawaiian music, introduce it to three others and challenge them to pay it forward to three more.

If someone buys you a  CD of Hawaiian music that touches you, consider buying them as gifts for  three others this CD and challenge them to: Pay it forward.

  • WHAT am I buying?

    If you wish to buy Hawaiian music online, but you're unsure of your choices, ears-unheard,  on-line sites with the most extensive audio clips have been individually gathered by musician/CD  and linked for you to sample with ease.

Also, in-depth reviews by excellent writers, including John Berger of The Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Wayne Harada of The Honolulu AdvertiserJon Woodhouse of Maui NewsJohn Book, and Keola Donaghy are linked to help you make your choices.

  • WHAT:  

    If you are a musician, 
    use this site as a rich resource center.  You'll find some forgotten gems, unsung heroes, and truly amazing performances. 

Read the linked articles, study them,  and reap the wealth of experiences of your peers and predecessors; many are kanaka makua, who have a lot to teach you.  Build on their wisdom and successes.  Make them your own.

Learn from those who came before, on whose broad shoulders you now stand.  Honor them by speaking their names.  Sing their songs. Allow their mana to continue, as they live on through their words set to music or chant.

Network with one another. Seek out your peers. They can give you a fresh perspective on your ideas. Branch out beyond your regular circle of contacts; this leads to links to other people and provides role models.

Work together with Aloha.  Support one another.  Hui.

  • WHAT:  

    If you are a disc jockey, entertainment writer, editor or reviewer,
    the conveniently linked articles are incredibly useful to you, providing you with fascinating background / copy info to talk or write about, especially  when a new release is out or  a musician is in town for an interview.  

You have the power to let  the world know how special  Hawaiian music and its musicians are! 

DJs: Phonetic aids will assist you in adeptly wrapping your tongue around those Hawaiian vowels.   It's a learning curve thang.  Keep at it; it'll come.

  • WHAT:  

    If you are a student or researcher of Hawaiian music or hula, 
    you will be delighted with the links to info-packed articles.  

From one (eternal) student- researcher to another: Facilitate your work and  reduce the drudgery of  spending hours searching for articles buried in the stacks, microfiche, or inept Search engines by referring to the linked articles on this site.

E `imi! (Seek!) And write on!  

Life is short; make it sweet.
Live it with Aloha.
Pass Hawaiian music on.
Pay it forward

You are welcome to leave your thoughts and messages here:

To those who politely e-mail to ask:
You are welcome to link this site to your own:
No permission is needed.

May Our Lives Brilliantly Shine with the Light of 
The Aloha Spirit!

This site is dedicated to Uncle T,
aka Pila of the Poi Boyz.

If you've wandered in from another site -- or through a side door which is not in a frame format -- here's the front door: 

Aca | Aka
| Ala | Alo | Apa | Ba | Bi
| Ca | Cha | Co | D | E | F | G | Ha | Hi | I | J | Ka | Kae | Kai | Kam | Kan | Kap | Ke | Ki | Ko | Ku | La | Li | Ma | Mc | Naa | Nan | O | Pa | Pe | R | S | T | U | V | W | XYZ
  Main Page | How This Site Came to Be

Sister Pages:
Hawaiian Language | Hawaiian HOME Page Hawaiian HOME Page | Hawaiian Culture Links | Hawaiian Language | Ka Lânai | The Hula Pages | Da Hawai`i Club

Hawaiian Music Lyrics Hawaiian Word Words of Wisdom | E-Cards - Hawaiian Greetings | The Aloha Card Nâ `Ânela Kelekî Emergency Dog Links Voice of an Angel

Reference: Pukui, Mary Kawena & Elbert, Samuel H. HAWAIIAN DICTIONARY.

This site is a public service, NOT-for-profit grass-roots effort to help ho`oulu (make flourish) the Hawaiian language and culture. An on-going project, it is far from complete. Any omissions and/or errors are unintentional. 

Aunty D 2000- 2002