Kûkahi 1999 Moments
Haiku is a cultural gift of the East, a poetic form
captures moments in three brief lines of 5-7-5 syllables.
This remembrance was written in this poetic form
to capture sparkling moments.
Going Home: March 12, 1999
Homeward bound, we fly,
On gossamer angel wings,
For shining moments.
Just for us, this day.
Kincaid's ice-cold island brew.
Gulp! We cool our jets.
Hûî! Native Books,
Beautiful Things, browsing joy.
Hui success.
Kaimana Hotel
Aging with kind grace, seaside.
Waves lap away care.
Up Kapahulu,
Crispy gau gee mein await,
"Hô ka `ono dis!"
Sunset brilliant,
Caressing tradewinds blow.
IZ's star twinkles.
A songbird at Duke's,
Ku`uipo K, sweetheart,
Her father's pride and joy,
A House Without a Key,
A light-filled hula dancer.
Kanoe, Ka Nani.
Go Pôhaku Bar
Led, no stay...get `Alika,
And pûpû, maika`i!
Late now, time fo' sleep
Spirited sea, whispering
Ancient lullabies.
We are home, so close
To `ohana, happy hearts.
See you tomorrow.
March 13, 1999 -- The Morning of Kûkahi '99
Sighing palm trees bend,
Glittering lights `cross the bay
Wide awake, outside still dark,
Retrieve coffee, luscious scones,
A daybreak breakfast .
Flat, no wave fo' surf,
Laik rent kayak? Shoot, us go,
Even mo' bettah.
Sun kisses, blue waters,
Diamond Head looming just ahead,
Visions of Magnum.
Views like no other,
Mânoa in misty rain,
Waikîkî, so bright.
The Night of Kûkahi '99 -- March 13, 1999
Fancy, exquisite.
Gussied, fine Dame facelifted.
Hawai`i Thea-tah.
`Net friends meet once more,
Judy, Aunty
Nancy. BB Shawn.
"Hi, Gramma, how you?"
Hânai `ohana unite,
Aunty Lei, and nephews.
Early plans, quick call.
Great tickets, box office-mailed.
Row F, not too close, jus' righ'.
`Alaka`i leads.
Like lemmings, we fall into
Side-splitting laff-tah.
Plunged into darkness.
Keali`i's power chant,
With drums' deep beating.
This is the moment...
For our `aumâkua who,
With patience, await.
`Aumâkua hou:
Uncle, Aunties, Laki, Dad.
Come, come celebrate.
Dazzling points of light,
Represent the multitude
Of spirits present.
We are hâ ... `ole.
Momentarily breathless.
Shining moments caught.
Levitation. Wow.
High, higher, and higher to...
Maunaleo heights.
Lei Hali`a.
Computerized images.
Lighting up big screens.
Cute baby peek-chas,
And updates of `ohana,
Which one is Puna?
Nematoda. Ick!
Microscopic "leeches". Ick!
Endearing tune, but.
Young lovers hula
In sensuous synchrony.
Jonah, Joy...E ô mai!
Pua Hînano,
The yesteryear's Viagra.
Fo' mek horny kine.
A Patchwork Quilt, to recall,
Those loved who have gone with AIDS.
A memory aid.
A letter written,
At a lonely desk, me ke iho nô
Ke Aloha.
Kahekina's song,
Hanohano o Maui.
Catchy tune to honor.
Delight of delights.
Ke kumu dances this night.
Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy!
Intermission time.
Run up to the balcony.
To look for dear faces
Link and Deborah,
A night on the town; at home:
Dylan, Tehani.
Second half of the concert.
Keali`i is "unplugged".
Ease perceptible.
`Akaka Falls soars,
Making raisins out of pearls.
BOOM! Come back with wai.
Robi, guests and sings,
Every Road Lead Back To You.
We are starry-eyed.
"I Will Be Here." Ahhh!
The next CD's title cut,
Cross-over HIT this!
A song that clicks well,
Memorable melody.
Speaking to the heart.
Then Kaipo Frias-
Kekuhi Kanahele's
Pua Milo rocked!
Kawaipunahele - Kanoeanuhea
In haiku form, no can,
Two long-titled songs blended,
Into one medley.
Ah, magnificence,
E Keali`i Reichel,
Lua`ole `oe.
"Hana hou" yelled out.
To "Ooom mama,oom bebe"
The Toad Song was sung.
An angel's face,
With features reminiscent,
Appeared on the screens.
With Mâlie's Song,
We remember her message:
Stick together. One.
The evening soon ends
With Hawai`i Aloha.
A hand slips in mine.
A nodding smile from the stage.
Four hands are linked tight.
Mahalo nô e,
nâ pu`uwai hau`oli.
E pili pû.
Birthing beauty unsurpassed.
Soulmates, with one womb.
~Aunty D