Help, aid, assistance, relief; assistant, associate, helper

This page: http://www.oocities.org/~olelo/kokua.html
This site: http://www.oocities.org/~olelo


Copy and forward this email note to all you know who share your love for Hawai`i:

Aloha! I am forwarding this to you with hopes... 
that you will join those of us who now give back to 
Hawai`i by helping to ensure the Hawaiian culture's 
survival via the open sharing of its beauty, history, 
wisdom and knowledge, and music and dance. 

Aloha mai!  `O `Anake~ ke~ia.  This is Aunty. 

I am a keiki ha~nau o ka `a~ina (child born of the 
land), blessed with a childhood filled with Hawaiian 
values and The Aloha Spirit.  Holding on to and 
practicing these values have greatly enriched and made 
meaningful all aspects of our lives, my husband's and 

With mahalo (gratitude), the time to "give back" to 
our beloved Hawai`i arrived.  A Hawaiian culture resource 
webpage was created to be freely shared among those who 
share an Aloha for Hawai`i...and its `ono food, spectacular 
scenery, beautiful music, and hula! 

The Hawaiian Home Page: 

is a not-for-profit, FROM-THE-HEART, grassroots effort 
to help ho`oulu make flourish) the Hawaiian language 
and culture. It is an All-in-One Reference Page on 
Hawaiian Culture -- a "Crash Course" on Things 
Hawaiian, if you will. And it's manuahi(free)! 

As an educator/lifelong learner, I have found it 
helpful to me, students, and `ohana (family), and 
perhaps, it may be personally useful to you as a 
bookmarked Hawaiian culture reference page or home 
(start) page whenever you're online. 

Would you join me in "giving back" by kindly 
reviewing, then distributing this e-mail to those in your 
online sphere who have an affinity for or have a connection 
to Hawai`i and its Aloha Spirit... and perhaps beyond,as 
your imagination will allow? 

FEEL FREE to FORWARD this message to others in your 
address book, e-lists, or newsgroups or...LINK IT to 
your page, if you wish. Permission is fully granted, 
i.e.,"no need ask."  It is intended to be shared 
freely...and accessible to all. 

By YOUR OWN individual sharing efforts, YOU join a 
growing group of Hawaiians and Hawaiians-at-heart who 
               "Ko~ Ka~kou Ke Kuleana" 
            (The Responsibility is Ours) 
and now WILLINGLY give back to Hawai`i, its people and 
culture, instead of merely taking these for granted, 
or worse, becoming one of the misguided who graspingly 
"take, take, take" without any thought of giving back 
in kind, and in so doing, slowly rip off our culture's 
heart and soul as they diminish themselves. 

Join us in our heartfelt commitment to spread the 
beauty and knowledge of Hawai`i's culture, language, 
and Aloha, so others may benefit and, LIKE YOU, become 
better people for experiencing them; in so doing, YOU 
help keep the Hawaiian culture and The Aloha Spirit 
strong in YOU, and for the present and future 

The saying goes: "Put your money where your mouth is," 
i.e.,talk is cheap; don't just give it lip service. In 
this case, forget the money: "Put your Aloha where 
your fingers on the keyboard are." Start spreading the 
word: http://www.oocities.org/~olelo/thescroll.html 

E luana! Enjoy!  Mahalo for allowing me to share this 
expression of gratitude to Hawai`i, its people, and 
its Spirit with you and yours. 

`O wau iho no~, me ke Aloha (I remain, with Aloha), 
Aunty http://hawaiianlanguage.com 

"We are each of us angels with but one wing, 
and can only fly by embracing each other." 
 ~Luciano de Crescenzo 

KNOW or LOVE A DOG? Review, bookmark & pass this on: 
COME HOME!: http://hawaiianlanguage.com/home.html 
Featured on the Hon. Star-Bulletin's Home on the Web: 
THE HULA PAGES: http://hawaiianlanguage.com/hula.html 
HAWAIIAN LANGUAGE: http://hawaiianlanguage.com 
Your comments are welcome: mailto:aunty@hawaiianlanguage.com


Newbies: If the above is not second-nature for you to do,
here's a step-by-step cut-and-paste tutorial, so you too may kôkua:


Step 1: Highlight either the above message OR the short version below and copy by pressing the CTRL key and the C key simultaneously.



This is a site that I'd like you to check out:

The Hawaiian Home Page -
An All-in-One Reference Page
... a "Crash Course" in Things Hawaiian.

I think you'll enjoy this non-commercial, FROM-THE-HEART
page with richly informative Hawaiian cultural links .

Feel free to forward this to those who may enjoy it as well.


Step 2: Click here: Email.
Step 3: Paste the above message into the body of the email with CTRL+V
Step 4: Fill in the "Mail To" box with the email address of one of your intended recipients.
Step 5: Fill in the "CC:" box with addresses in your address book of friends & family with ANY affinity for Hawai`i.
Step 6: Fill in the "Subject" box with: From (Your Name) so they don't mistake your email for Spam mail.
Step 7: Feel the warmth of the Aloha and Mahalo from helping to ho`oulu (make thrive) the Hawaiian culture and language...and for making a positive difference, one Hawaiian heart at a time.

A Difference for That One
Your kôkua is appreciated.
Aloha & Mahalo!

E ola mau i ka `ôlelo Hawai`i!
May the Hawaiian language live on!

>> Return to: The Hawaiian Home Page


May Your Life Brilliantly Shine with the Light of The Aloha Spirit!

© 1999