(Previous) Aloha Notes

Hawaiians believe that words have power. And indeed they do.  Your kind words motivate and uplift me. 

Your Aloha is appreciated,
Aunty D




Wow! Whadda great website! 

It's just what I was looking for... honest kine. In the screening I just attended of Eddie Kamae's latest documentary "Luther Kahekili Makekau" A One Kine Hawaiian Man", one of Luther's sons said he was compiling a list of some 40 or so names for the moon that Luther had taught him. It peaked my interest and I wanted to see all those names. 

Your site is a great start to learn the terms for astronomical bodies!

 Thanks! You'll be seeing me use some of these terms in my posts in the future.

N.Y., Honolulu



Aloha e Aunty D,

I am a friend of P's and I just ran across your web page. I am blown away totally. I can see how much hard work went into the page content, and have a passionate interest in `olelo Hawai`i; I will surely be visiting again soon and often.

Whoever designed the page did one fantastic job - the layout, colors, backgrounds, images are great - and it's a zippy load-up to on log-in.

I love your statement about how you had been mispronouncing some place names all your life, and I agree: most locals just do kanaka style and take the easy way out, but that's not right nor righteous. If we continue to haole-fy Hawaiian pronunciation, pretty soon no one will pronounce Hawaiian correctly.

One local made an important point: she said that when she uses Hawaiian words, she often mispronounces them, but still, she knows the proper pronunciation. Go figgah. As for Ha-wai-i/Ha-vai-i, my mom explained to me when I was a kid that day to day speech pronounces it Ha-wai-i (never Ha-wa`-i, no matter what the Seven Eleven commercials say!!), but in front of a microphone, the pronunciation is Ha-vai-i, because if you're in front of a mike, you should be imparting information, not misinformation. And that made perfect sense to me.

Also, if someone from Kaua`i said he/she was from Kaua`i, I'd think that it sounded strange; locals say it wrong (Lana`i, Moloka`i as well). But unless someone starts the ball rolling for good reason, we dishonor our kupuna.

This is largely why I admire your effort so much, and I especially like the Hawaiian translation of St. Francis of Assisi. As beautiful as that sounds in English, it sounds even more so in Hawaiian.

Just one request: Because of your content and style, I think anyone would find your homepage fascinating, and I'd like to help point people at your site for the ultimate resource on `ôlelo Hawai`i. Would it be okay if I offered a link from my page to yours? I am careful which links I select, and yours is surely going to be among my personal favorites.

E mâlama pono. 

Me kealoha pumehana,




Thank you so much for your incredible and informative Hawaiian language pages. My friend Kimo will be pleased (hopefully!) when I can write and converse with him in his native language. I haven't told him, so it should be quite a surprise. So far, I have worked through Lesson 1B.


Aloha Aunty D,

Your website is beautifully done! 

Also glad to see you too are a Keali'i Reichel fan. I am going to be including a link to his site on our 'links' page ... the only music link I have at the moment is our friend Cyril Pahinui ... the nicest man one could ever hope to meet, and one of Hawaii's great treasures ... and he wears a makau we made for him!

Aloha `oe,


I will log on to your website often as I found it to be very informative. 

Thank you for the resource.



Keep up the good work.

I can't say how much I admire you for starting up your website endeavour, and wish you the best of luck with it. 

I know you will continue to have a good response to such a worthwhile project.

Aloha, KO-K



Mahalo Aunty D;

Will keep your site in mind and will spread the word. 

Am getting a new site and will link you up as soon as I can.



Hi Aunty D,

Your site is very well put together. I enjoyed surfing it. I am sure everybody else will too.

Thank you, 


Aloha Aunty D:

You know it really is a small world. 

L and I have known each other for a number of years and I saw him at a party last weekend. He told me of this person that he knows that has her own web page and stuff and he was going to get it for me. Well… I forwarded this to L so he could enjoy it and come to find out, this web site is the same one he was referring to.

How lucky we have people like you that will preserve the culture and heritage of Hawaii. Hope to see you at the (Keali`i) concert, and of course...L and his family will be there.

Mahalo for everything...........RM


Mahalo Nui Loa for all the information.

I have passed it on to all Miss Pacific Islander Pageant Present, Past Queens and Princess' as well as Board Members.


Aunty D,

My Hawaiian is a little rusty since the last time I actually got to speak it was in high school...kula ki'eki'e'ole???, but as I see from your site I should have no problem catching up. 

I agree that our language should be learned and used, I wish more people spoke it so we can use it more often. I speak pidgin real good but! Ha, ha,...nah!

I'm glad to see that you spent some time putting your site together. It looks great! I myself would hate to have to type so much.....but that's why I do art.



Hi Aunty D,

I have been to your site and was very impressed and excited about it. I let some of my Hawaiian friends know about. You have done a very nice job with it.

As a matter of fact, I had planned to include your site and a mini-review on one of my pages in the very near future ... meaning when I get some time to do some major additions.



Aloha mai!!

It's no great coincidence that at this time in the hâlau, Kumu is starting to heavily stress our `ôlelo studies along with our hula and mele studies. I will be sure to let all of my fellow haumana know about your wonderful site so that they can better learn Ka `Ôlelo Hawai`i!

Mahalo nui loa! 


Aloha Aunty D,

What a huge amount of time you've spent constructing your website! 

It's beautiful and thorough, and makes me homesick indeed! I left Hawai'i in 1978 after many years studying all things Hawaiian, and being a docent at the Bishop Museum.

I've bookmarked your page so I can re-visit and enjoy it again. You have presented a wonderful gift for people everywhere!

'O wau iho no me ke Aloha,



Aloha, Aunty D

T, a close friend of mine, turned me on to your site a couple of weeks ago. I think it's a terrific site. Mahalo nui loa for doing this. We can all learn a lot from your site. I know I will visit it often.

I, too, believe that knowing the language is the only way to revive what was once called "a dying culture." I now have so many friends in Hawai'i who can 'ôlelo Hawai'i fluently. I wish I could be amongst them. 

Your website will help a great deal. I have another friend in Hawai'i, KH, whose specialty is the Hawaiian language and culture. He teaches theHawaiian language in a private school in Hawai'i. He e-mails me in Hawaiian, but it takes me a while to translate his messages.

Please keep up the good work. Like T, us transplanted Hawaiians need the connection to our homeland.

Mahalo and Aloha,

Aloha kakahiaka!

No, I am not a Hawaiian speaker, but wish I was, of course! Your site is wonderful and a great asset. 

Even more amazing, it is based on the mainland. What the heck you doing over there?!!!

I already posted a link. Happy to help.


I browsed through your page. An excellent resource and well designed. Mahalo nui for your work.



I just wanted to drop you a note saying how much I love your webpage! 

I've been looking for one such as yours for a long time...I took a few semesters of Hawaiian language a few years ago and since then have forgotten most of it because I haven't been putting any of my knowledge to practice. Your lessons are a great way for me to relearn and refresh my memory. =)

I am also in the process of making my own web page. I'm pretty much computer illiterate, so it's taking me a while. I'm planning to include various Hawaii links, and hope you don't mind if I include yours.

A hui hou,

I came across your sight in a web search and was impressed with its contents. I am doing research for a term paper on Hawaiian tradition during the pre-Christian era.

In talking with my own `ohana living in the islands I have found some resource material but I am not satisfied with the amount I have and would like to increase the resource base. 



Aloha e Aunty D,

I checked our your site on `Ôlelo Hawai`i, maika`i nô. I am not fluent in Hawaiian for lack of having someone to speak to. Your site is very valuable to helping us stay in touch me ka `Ôlelo Makuahine.

I will add your site to my Hawaiian Language links.

Again, mahalo nô kou aloha me ka `ôlelo Hawai`i a me nâ mana`o o ka po`e kahiko.

E mâlama pono . . . PK


Aunty D...

Mahalo â nui loa for the very informative site on Hawaiian language. I will be checking back often to see the progress and download any new information that becomes available. 

The language, as you describe, is very poetic and should not be lost.



Hello Aunty D,

That's a beautiful web page you have. I plan to visit it often.

E mâlama pono,
San Diego


Hi Aunty D,

I visited your site, and it looks great!  I really like all the information on the 'ôlelo. 

Would you mind if I added a link to your site?



Aloha e `Anake!

Just cruisin' through your geo-site. Ku~paianaha!

Mahalo no na~mea a pau - P




What's up?

You have a cool web site. I showed it to some friends of mine in my Internet class and they really liked it.

 I just got through finishing my web page project for school and it's not that easy.


Aloha Aunty D!

Before I receive this postcard in Hawaiian, I knew almost nothing about the Hawaiian language and the Hawaiian culture. Since I wanted to understand this card, I searched everything related with Hawaii on the web. The few I discovered makes me want to know more !

I think it's great that you try to learn and promote your culture and your language.It would be sad if it disappeared. Visiting this site makes me want to make a trip in Hawaii but I think I'll have to wait : it's very far from France and quite expensive. I hope one day I will be able to go. Hawaii must be a very beautiful country and the sea ...

(I do Scuba diving and I think Hawaii is certainly far prettier than the Mediterranean Sea and warmer too !)

I would like to learn the Hawaiian language. It seems to be very musical, but I'm afraid I won't have the time except maybe for the basics. It's difficult to learn a language when you have few ways to practise. 

I like to speak with people from other cultures than mine. I think we
always learn something in these exchanges. 

Well, if you're ready to speak to me about your country, your culture, why not  give me a few Hawaiian lessons, I'm ready.

Aloha ,

Aloha e Aunty D a me Pila,

Pehea 'oe ? Maika'i no au. E kala mai ia'u, 'a'ole hiki i pane aku au ia 'oe. Ua ha'awi aku ia 'olua i ka'u leka i ka mahina 'Aukake mai Honolulu aku. He ho'ike kela. Ua ho'omakaukau ka'u E-mail i kela la i ko'u hale o Waikiki. Aka,ma hopeiho ua ho'i au i Iapana, a 'a'ole i makaukau i ka'u E -mail i Iapana.

Ua ho'i au i Hawai'i i ka po'alua i kela pule aku, a ke heluhelu nei aui kau leka i keia manawa. Aue hu ka nui kau hana ! 'A'ole maika'i au i ka'u lolo uila, hemahema au ia. ke ho'opa'a ha'awina nei au i ka lolo uila a me ka olelo Hawai'i. Aka, ua poina au i ka olelo Hawa'i, no ke aha 'a'ole ha'i au i ka `ôlelo Hawai'i i Iapana.

E hele aku ana i Iapana i keia po'alima, a e ho'ike ana au ma i keiamahina 29 me Ho'okena a me na ka'u haumana. E ho'i ana au me ku'u ipo i Waikiki i ka ahiahi kalikimaka a e hele ana maua i Las Vegas i 30 mai 27 o mahina Kekemapa.(from December 27 to 30)

Hau'oli loa au i kau website, e ho'omakaukau ana au i ka'u website.

E malama pono 'olua,

Aloha Aunty and Unco,

Just came from your website and wanted say Ho'omaikai for da bestes' site. 

And I'm also happy that you're both included in K's liner He Mahalo notes.

A hui hou, 

Wow, your web site is right on the kinipopo!!!! How in the world do you find time to do all that???? You must type MUCH faster then you admit, that's all I can think of.

When I get back to normal here, I'll take more time and really peruse the site. What you have done is really marvelous and it is really spreading the aloha.


Aloha Aunty D,

Pehea `oe ? I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed finding and reading your page. There certainly is a lot of information there, and it must have taken you quite a bit of time putting it all together.

I feel that the heart of any group of people can be found in their culture,and the heart of the culture is in the language.

Through people like yourself, the Hawaiian culture will not only continue, but flourish. Mahalo for your efforts.

Mâlama pono and Aloha,

Hugs to you and P -- oh, and I love your website and how come no one ever wen tol' me 'bout it befo???

It's beautiful! 

Do I have your permission to add it to my links page, in the "useful info" category? Please?

Mâlama pono!
Northern California


Aloha e Aunty D,

Your webpage is getting rave reviews! 

And I'm really proud to have my name mentioned anywhere on your website! If this is just a hobby of yours, I can just imagine how it will be when you eventually take up writing as your main pasttime.

Mâlama pono, Aunty D.

Me ke aloha,


Dear Aunty D:

Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather when your photo started coming up on your language page! No more camouflage <s>.

It truly is an extensive and valuable body of knowledge. It's wonderful that you've taken the time to assemble it.

Best wishes,

Aloha kâua a Hau`oli Hânau e Aunty D!

Ua ho`omaika`i iâ oe no ka hana maika`i o kau `ao `ao `upena! 

Nani loa kêia `ao `ao, a nui na wahi no ka ho`oma`ama`a ka `ôlelo Hawai`i! Ke hau`oli nei au no ka hana maika`i ou. Mahalo â nui!

Aloha wau iâ `oe!

Your web page looks great!

Kona, Hawai`i


Aloha e Aunty D,

I have just got access to your website. 

It is really helpful for our open lecture on the Hawaiian immersion programs.



My, what a fancy place my (Geocities) neighbor has! You so wikiwiki wit da move in lidat! Looks Maika`i Nô!

I wen into some of da links again. Good to go back in an see da changes dey make lidat. Nice place, good neighborhood ggggggggggggg.

Malama hele, 



Thank you for your time and effort for putting together such a complete page of Hawaiian Language.



>> More Aloha Notes

Mahalo iâ `oe no ke kipa `ana mai. E kipa mai hou!
Thank you for visiting. Come and visit again.
Aloha kekahi i kekahi.
Love one another.

Me ke aloha pumehana,
Aunty D

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