(Photo courtesy of Valdis Kursietis)

General der Infanterie Erich Abraham
Born: 27 Mar 1895 in Marienburg, East Prussia (Ostpreußen)
Died: 07 Mar 1971 in Wiesbaden
Gefreiter (06 Dec 1914); Unteroffizier (15 Mar 1915); Vizefeldwebel und Offiziersaspirant (12 May 1915); Leutnant der Reserve (11 Jul 1915); Polizei-Leutnant (21 May 1920); Polizei-Oberleutnant (14 Jun 1920); Charakter als Oberleutnant der Reserve (09 Sep 1920); Polizei-Hauptmann (09 Apr 1925); Polizei-Major (20 Apr 1934); Major (15 Oct 1935); Oberstleutnant (30 Sep 1938); Oberst (14 Aug 1941); Generalmajor (15 May 1943); Generalleutnant (20 Mar 1944); General der Infanterie (26 Feb 1945)
Entered Army Service (Reserves) (04 Aug 1914)
War Volunteer in the 152nd Infantry-Regiment (04 Aug 1914-12 Aug 1915)
Platoon-Leader in the 341st Infantry-Regiment (12 Aug 1915-11 Sep 1916)
Temporary Company-Leader in the 341st Infantry-Regiment (19 Aug 1915-06 Sep 1915)
Temporary Adjutant of the I. Battalion of the 341st Infantry-Regiment (29 Feb 1916-27 Apr 1916)
Temporary Company-Leader in the 341st Infantry-Regiment (27 Apr 1916-06 May 1916)
Temporary Adjutant of the III. Battalion of the 341st Infantry-Regiment (20 May 1916-11 Sep 1916)
Adjutant of the III. Battalion of the 341st Infantry-Regiment (11 Sep 1916-13 Feb 1917)
Adjutant of the I. Battalion of the 341st Infantry-Regiment (13 Feb 1917-29 Jul 1917)
Ordinance-Officer with the Staff of the 341st Infantry-Regiment (29 Jul 1917-25 Jan 1918)
Detached as Ordinance-Officer to the Staff of the 86th Infantry-Division (25 Jan 1918-08 Dec 1918)
Commandant of the Staff-Quarters of the 86th Infantry-Division and various other short commands (08 Dec 1918-19 Dec 1918)
Adjutant of the Volunteer-Detachment 'Drews', later renamed Volunteer-Assault-Detachment Thorn (19 Dec 1918-15 Jul 1919)
Adjutant of the II. Battalion of the 21st Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment (15 Jul 1919-04 Sep 1919)
Regiments-Adjutant of the 21st Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment (04 Sep 1919-17 Nov 1919)
Adjutant of the III. Battalion of the 21st Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment (17 Nov 1919-04 Dec 1919)
Ordinance-Officer with the Staff of the 21st Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment (04 Dec 1919-11 Feb 1920)
Adjutant of the 21st Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment (11 Feb 1920-01 Mar 1920)
Battalions-Adjutant in the 109th Reichswehr-Infantry-Regiment (01 Mar 1920-20 May 1920)
Retired from Army Service (20 May 1920)
Entered Police Service (21 May 1920)
With the Police-Presidency Stettin (21 May 1920-20 Jun 1921)
With the State Police Stettin, in Government-Service and Unit-Leader (20 Jun 1921-01 Dec 1925)
Course at the Higher Police School Eiche (20 Aug 1923-20 Dec 1923)
Course at the Prussian Police School for Physical Trainin, Spandau (26 Sep 1924-31 Oct 1924)
Adjutant for Personnel Matters with the Command of Protection Police (01 Dec 1925-01 Dec 1932)
Subsidiary-Leadership-Course at the Higher Police School Eiche (15 Aug 1932-01 Oct 1932)
Adjutant of the State Police Inspection Charlottenburg (01 Dec 1932-01 Oct 1933)
Transferred to the Staff of the State Police Inspection Brandenburg-Berlin (01 Oct 1933-31 Mar 1934)
Leadership-Course 'B' - Police-Major-Aspirant-Course at the Higher Police School Eiche (08 Jan 1934-31 Mar 1934)
1st Adjutant and Group-Director (Personnel), Department IIa of the State Police Inspection Brandenburg (31 Mar 1934-01 Jul 1935)
Detached to the Training-Battalion of Infantry-Regiment Paderborn (01 Jul 1935-15 Oct 1935)
Transferred into Army Service (15 Oct 1935)
Company-Chief in the 18th Infantry-Regiment (15 Oct 1935-06 Oct 1936)
Company-Chief in the 105th Infantry-Regiment (06 Oct 1936-27 Feb 1937)
Commander of the I. Battalion of the 105th Infantry-Regiment (27 Feb 1937-21 Nov 1939)
Commander of the II. Battalion of the 266th Infantry-Regiment (21 Nov 1939-06 Apr 1940)
Commander of the 230th Infantry-Regiment (29 Mar 1940-22 Apr 1942)
Führer-Reserve (01 Apr 1942-27 Jun 1942)
Commander of the 230th Infantry-Regiment, from 12 Nov 1942 230th Fusilier-Regiment (06 Jun 1942-20 Nov 1942)
Führer-Reserve OKH (07 Nov 1942-13 Feb 1943)
Commander of School II for Officer Aspirants of Infantry, Wiener Neustadt (15 Jan 1943-30 Apr 1943)
Division-Leader-Course, Berlin (22 Feb 1943-20 Mar 1943)
Delegated with the Leadership of the 76th Infantry-Division (01 Apr 1943-13 Jul 1943)
Commander of the 76th Infantry-Division (13 Jul 1943-21 Aug 1944)
Delegated with the Leadership of the VI. Romanian Army Corps (01 Aug 1944-21 Aug 1944)
Delegated with the Leadership of Corps-Staff Abraham (21 Aug 1944-06 Sep 1944)
Course for Commanding Generals, Hirschberg (24 Aug 1944-30 Sep 1944)
Führer-Reserve (06 Sep 1944-14 Sep 1944)
Delegated with the Leadership of Group Abraham (46th Infantry-Division & 2nd Hungarian Replacement-Division) (14 Sep 1944-27 Sep 1944)
Commander of the 76th Infantry-Division (27 Sep 1944-11 Oct 1944)
Leader of Group Abraham (76th Infantry-Division, 12th Hungarian Reserve-Division and Hungarian Commander Großwardein) (11 Oct 1944-21 Oct 1944)
Führer-Reserve (21 Oct 1944-13 Dec 1944)
Delegated with the Temporary Leadership of the LXIII. Army-Corps (13 Dec 1944-17 Dec 1944)
Delegated with the Leadership of the LXIII. Army-Corps (17 Dec 1944-26 Feb 1945)
Commanding General of the LXIII. Army-Corps (26 Feb 1945-08 May 1945)
In Captivity (08 May 1945-17 Aug 1947)
Released (17 Aug 1947)

Awards & Decorations:
- Ritterkreuz (1311): am 13.11.1942 als Oberst und Kommandeur Infanterie-Regiment 230
- Eichenlaub (516): am 26.06.1944 als Generalleutnant und Kommandeur 76. Infanterie-Division
- Deutsches Kreuz in Gold (86/3): am 07.03.1942 als Oberst und Kommandeur Infanterie-Regiment 230
- 1914 EK I: 27.06.1917
- 1914 EK II: 02.09.1915
- k.u.k. Österr. Militär-Verdienstkreuz III. Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration: 20.03.1917
- Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
- Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung IV. bis II. Klasse: 02.10.1936
- Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I. Klasse
- Deutsches Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen
- Spange zum EK I: 21.06.1940
- Spange zum EK II: 10.03.1940
- Kommandeurkreuz des Kgl. Rumän. Ordens der Krone mit Schwertern: 22.06.1942
- Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber: 13.11.1942
- Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942”
- Kgl. Italien. Silberne Tapferkeitsmedaille

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