(Photo courtesy of Gareth Collins)

Generalleutnant Ludwig Löweneck
Born: 10 Sep 1888 in Munich (München)
Died: 15 May 1943 near Petchenye (Fatal Crash)
Fähnrich (11 Feb 1908); Leutnant (26 May 1909); Oberleutnant (19 May 1915); Hauptmann (14 Dec 1917); Major (01 Apr 1929); Oberstleutnant (01 Oct 1933); Oberst (01 Aug 1935); Generalmajor (01 Apr 1939); Generalleutnant (01 Feb 1941)
Entered Army Service (16 Jul 1907)
Two-Year Volunteer in the Bavarian Railway-Battalion (16 Jul 1907-11 Feb 1908)
Fähnrich in the Bavarian Railway-Battalion (11 Feb 1908-01 Oct 1912)
Transferred to Fortification Ingolstadt (01 Oct 1912-01 Sep 1915)
Transferred to the Airship-Replacement-Battalion for Training as a Balloon-Observer (01 Sep 1915-04 Dec 1915)
Observer with the 6th Field-Airship-Battalion (04 Dec 1915-25 Mar 1916)
Leader of the 27th Bavarian Landwehr-Railway-Construction-Company (25 Mar 1916-27 Sep 1916)
Transferred to the Airship-Replacement-Battalion (27 Sep 1916-22 Dec 1916)
Detached to the Airship Base at Friedrichshafen (22 Dec 1916-23 Mar 1917)
Transferred to the 2nd Bavarian Telephone-Replacement-Battalion (23 Mar 1917-26 Apr 1917)
Commander of the 715th Bavarian Telephone-Battalion (26 Apr 1917-18 Jul 1917)
Detached to the 12th Telephone-Battalion (18 Jul 1917-24 Aug 1917)
Detached to the Airship-Replacement-Battalion (24 Aug 1917-09 Mar 1918)
Transferred to the Inspection of Air Forces (09 Mar 1918-22 Dec 1918)
Transferred to the Bavarian Railway-Replacement-Battalion (22 Dec 1918-01 Apr 1919)
Leader of the Bavarian Railway-Park (01 Apr 1919-01 Nov 1919)
Transferred to the 21st Signals-Battalion (01 Nov 1919-27 Feb 1920)
Leader of the 121st Telephone-Battalion (27 Feb 1920-01 Mar 1922)
Transferred into the RWM (01 Mar 1922-01 Jun 1924)
Transferred into the 7th Motor-Transport-Battalion (01 Jun 1924-01 Aug 1924)
Transferred into the 7th Signals-Battalion (01 Aug 1924-01 Feb 1928)
Transferred into the 7th Artillery-Regiment & Detached to the Staff of the 7th Division (01 Feb 1928-01 Apr 1929)
Major with the Command-Office Munich (01 Apr 1929-01 Nov 1939)
Commander of the 7th Signals-Battalion (01 Nov 1930-01 Jul 1933)
With the Staff of Group-Command 1 (01 Jul 1933-01 Oct 1935)
Commander of Signals-Troops of Panzer-Troops (01 Oct 1935-01 Oct 1936)
Commander of Signals-Troops XIII (01 Oct 1936-01 Apr 1938)
Commander of Signals-Troops XVI (01 Apr 1938-26 Aug 1939)
Signals-Leader of Army-Group A (26 Aug 1939-01 Aug 1940)
Higher Signals Leader with the Military-Commander Norway (01 Aug 1940-16 Dec 1940)
Commander of the 321st Infantry-Division (16 Dec 1940-16 Nov 1942)
Führer-Reserve (16 Nov 1942-31 Dec 1942)
Commander of the 39th Infantry-Division (31 Dec 1942-14 May 1943)
Died in a car accident (14 May 1943)

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