Den Chief Uniform and Insignia
The Den Chief is a Boy Scout or Venture Scout, and wears the appropriate uniform for their respective program. (See the Boy & Venture Scout Handbooks.) In addition, he/she wears the following:
- Den Chief badge of office (see above).
Round green cloth badge embroidered in gold, worn on left uniform sleeve, directly below and touching unit numeral, while serving as a den chief
- Den Chief shoulder cord. (click here)
Double strand of blue and gold interwoven cord, worn suspended from the uniform epaulet on the left shoulder of the Boy Scout uniform with the cord passing under the armpit.
- Webelos Den Chief shoulder cord. (click here)
Double strand of blue, red, and gold interwoven cord worn in the same manner as the den chief shoulder cord.
- Den Chief Service Award. (click here)
A special recognition given to Den Chiefs who complete certain service and training requirements. Presented with approval by the Cubmaster and Scoutmaster. (See Den Chief Handbook for requirements and procedure.) A distinctive red, white, and blue shoulder cord worn with the regular Den Chief or Webelos Den Chief cord, worn as described for the Den Chief shoulder cord. May be worn after Den Chief service is completed.