
Paying Respects to
Ion Cioaba

On the evening of Sunday, 23 February 1997, Ion Cioaba died from a heart attack while in Bucharest. The Associations of Rroma* in Romania express their heartfelt sorrow over the premature departure of one of the most recognized leaders of Rroma, ION CIOABA, known as "King Cioaba".

To his name we may associate the beginning of the Rroma movement in Romania and the world, where his militantism has been recognized in both national and international fora. With his departure, the Rroma movement loses an irreplaceable measure of support.

May his departure from us be a symbol of Rroma union, as he has always wished.

We share our deepest sympathy with his family.

May God be with him.

* Ethnic Federation of Rroma, United Associations of Rroma, "Aven Amentza" Foundation and Rromani CRISS


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