Romani (Gypsy) culture and social issues.

The Gypsies of Evosmos:
the Settlement

The following photographs of the Gypsy settlement outside of Evosmos, Greece cannot begin to portray the reality which these residents experience every day. The settlement has existed for 30 years without improvements from the local government, without running water, paved roads, or permanent dwellings. Refuse is dumped at this settlement and factories belch out their noxious fumes within sight of children playing in dirt roads. The residents are hopeful one day to have something better, despite the social barriers placed before them, because of the color of their skin, and because they are Gypsy. (Photographs by Rolandos Pavlou)

Lunch time in Evosmos.

Wife doing the family's laundry. A wife is doing the family
laundry. Notice the blue barrel 
tabs of water which must be
brought in due to the lack
of running water.
A child almost naked playing 
amongst the garbage in the cold. 
The day before these pictures 
were taken it was raining.
Half-naked child playing in the wet dirt road.
Garbage dumped close to the Evosmos dwellings. The garbage and refuse of the
settlement is piled close to the
dwellings. The local government
garbage trucks do not service
the settlement.
This thirty-year-old settlement
still has unpaved roads. The rain 
creates muddy conditions for
everyone. In the background 
laundry hangs to dry. In the
foreground, next to the 
stone block, is a dead rat.
Typical unpaved dirt roads of Evosmos.
Factory within full sight of the Evosmos camp. This photograph clearly shows 
the proximity of the settlement to
some of the factories, in this case, a grain 
store. In other cases, noxious, perhaps 
toxic, fumes from other factories blow 
across the settlement for the residents, 
young and old, to inhale daily. 

Continue here for more photographs of the Evosmos settlement

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