Lugton Previous bands: Live
Wire, Stealer, Radio Stars, Berlin Tony is now working in the retail area of the music industry in a music shop in Melbourne. |
Argiro Previous
bands: The Asthmatics Anthony released a poetic odyssey called 'Halfman Wolfhorse', and is currently drumming for a band called ColourFast, check them out! More: Adrian Pertout |
Leigh Previous bands: None
(apart from reception bands) Learned classical piano from age seven and had attained Grade 6 level before leaving school at 16 to join Pseudo Echo, his favourite Australian band. More: FAQ |
Leigh Previous
bands: Liquid Engineers, Marginal Era Followed in his father's footsteps taking up drums at age five. Was the obvious choice when a replacement was needed for Anthony Argiro. More: FAQ |
Featherstone Previous bands: Dekadance, John Justin & The Thunderwings, Diamond Dogs, The Slow Club, The Badloves Tony dropped out of the music industry to follow a different career designing websites, but still plays the odd gig with Pseudo Echo. |