
Lairce Vasconcelos was born in Barretos - SP - Brazil, on 03/08/38. She has been living in Campinas for thirty five years. Throughout her life she has been engaged in numerous activities since starting to work when she was eigth years old, among which: "bóia-fria" (informal harvesting labor). factory worker, secretary, actress, militant in politics, trade-unionist, judge (lay) in Labor Courts, etc. Attended several courses on Labor Law, including courses in Cuba. Was the leader of an organized movement for Amateur Theater having exercised functions in the board of municipal federation and in the state and
national confederations. Worked as an actress, director, set designer, author of adult and childrem plays, for which she received awards. Was a member of the Culture Board of Campinas. Retired, at sixty years of age enrolled in a law course, but left college after two years to dedicate more intensely to literature and paiting (oil on canvas). Is the mother of one son, the grandmother of five grandchildren and twice a great-grandmother.

Translated by Andréia Camargo - Intertrade Traduções



1 - 01 — CHOCOLATE QUENTE & MEIAS DE LÃ ( Hot chocolate & Woolen Stocks) - Publischer: Editora EME/SP - year 2000 author's edition) A fiction novel with 307 pages. The leading character has her life directed by intense love affairs and challenges. After bringing up her children and feinting many difficulties, she experiences the violence of a dictatorship, when she enrolls on the active fight against the military régime started whit the 64 coup. After surpassing the obstacles in her life' s marathon, at old age she welcomes loneliness as a trophy for her feats.
1 - 02— DO OUTRO LADO DO CÉU ( At the Other Side of Heaven) Publischer: Lítteris Editora/RJ - year 2004 (autor's edition)
A book directed to children and teenagers with 55 pages. A young boy wishes to travel through space. Aided by a gnomem who lives inside the Earth and is his friend and mento, the boy succeeds to board, in his dreams, a space ship. He loves the trip, but is frustrated because he did not go to Mars. As a compensation, the gnome teaches him all about the life, the inhabitants and the social structure in the red planet.
1 - 03— Awaiting publication:
Short Stories - Empatia ( EMPATHY); Beleza Não se Põe na Mesa (BEAUTY IS NOT SERVED ON THE TABLE); Nódoa (BLEMISH); Eutanásia (EUTHANASIA); Uma Viagem Insólita (AN UNUSUAL TRIP); Assassinato na Biblioteca da Escola (MURDER ON THE SCHOOL LIBRARY); A Sede (THIRST) A Casa da Esquina (THE HOUSE ON THE CORNER); Galeguito ( LITLLE GALICIAN). Theater: Vereda dos Insensatos (PATH OF THE INSENSATE); Cada louco tem sua mania (EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN AXE TO GRIND; O Desafio da Esperança (HOPE'S CHALENGE); Os Párias ( THE PARIAHS), ETC.
2 - 04— Short Story Menina Moça ( TEENAGER GIRL) - Publisher: Editora Novo Autor - São Paulo - 2000 - Antology
2 - 02 — Ederly Talents.
2 - 03 — Short story Arroz, feijão e jiló ( RICE, BEANS AND JILÓ) Publischer: Editora Novo Autor - São Paulo - 2000 -
2 - 04 — antology Words of Love.
2 - 05 — Crônicas ( CHRONICLES) Publischer: Editora Komedi - Campinas - 2001 - V Komedi Collectanea
2 - 06 — Poetry in Reveries of the Campinas Poetry and Arts Center. - Editora Komedi/Campinas - ano 2001


A Text by the Author