
Composer and writer, she was born in Rio de Janeiro. In 2005, she will complete her 30-year-career as a lyric writer for Brazilian Popular Music. There are more than 100 musical recordings with lyrics of her authorship, with important interpreters in Brazil and in foreign countries, as for example:
Elis Regina – “Essa Mulher” (This Woman), “Pé sem Cabeça” (Headless) and “Sai dessa” (Get out of this); Milton Nascimento – “Meu Menino” (My Boy); Maria Bethânia – “Da Cor Brasileira” (Brazilian Colored); Emilio Santiago – “Ensaios de amor” (Love essays) and “É só uma canção” (It’s just a song); Ângela Rô Rô and Barão Vermelho - “Amor meu grande amor” (Love, my great love); Elton Medeiros - “Virando pó” (Turning into dust); Sueli Costa and Lucinha Lins – “Insana” (Insane) and “Minha arte” (My art); Lisa Ono - “Os dois” (The two) and “Eu sou carioca” (I am Carioca).

She has two published books:
- “Letras e Canções” (Lyrics and Songs) - poetry
- “Estrela” (Star) - prose.
- She received an award from the Ministry of Culture, in the 1999 competition, due to the original script of the film: “Os Campos de São Jorge” (Saint Jorge’s Fields.)

Summary of her Career

- In 1974, a text of hers is published for the first time, "O Espetáculo” (The Spectacle), during the seminar LIG, in Niterói, RJ, on February 3.
- In 1975, she performs for the first time as a lyric writer with the song “Contra o vento” (Against the wind) recorded by the Tamba Trio.
- In 1977, she produces and distributes, independently, the LP “Cheiro Verde” (Green Smell), of Danilo Caymmi.
-Em 1981, she publishes the poem book “Letras e Canções” (Lyrics and Songs).
- In 1984, she produces the LP for children “Histórias do Céu e da Terra” (Stories of the Sky and the Earth), recorded by the Polygram, with project and lyrics of her authorship.
- Between 1984 and 1992 she carries elected positions, directing AMAR- Associação de Músicos, Arranjadores e Regentes (Association of Musicians, Arrangers and Regents), on that occasion the only society of musical copyrights, directed exclusively by artists, congregating the most representative composers, interpreters and musicians of the MPB (Brazilian Popular Music).
- In 1985, she starts studying Astrology and Jung Psychology.
- In 1987, she starts attending on Astrology.
- In 1988, she starts to work on the column “O Cinema Brasileiro e os Astros” (The Brazilian Cinema and the Movie Stars), keeping it during one year in the periodical ‘Cine Imaginário’.
- In 1990, she produces the “Oficina de Astrologia e Tarô” (Astrology and Tarot Workshop), with Carmem Lucia Monteiro.
- In 1990, she is the only feminine representative participating in the Project “Poeta Mostra a tua Cara” (Poet, Show your Face) where the lyric writers for the MPB presented their poems.
- In 1992, the poem “Morro” (Dying) was published, in the New Brazilian Poetry Anthology, organized by Olga Savary.
- In 1995, she publishes “Estrela” (Star), a book published by Achiamé.
- In 1996, she presents the subject “Os Trigramas do IChing” (The IChing Trigrams), during the closing of the 1st Congress of Meditation, in Rio de Janeiro (partner: Betinho Maciel) especially for PedroTornaghi’s ‘Coral dos 30 Segundos’ (30- Second- Choral) .
- In 1998, she participates in the 1st Cycle of Lectures “O Ideal da Consciência Cósmica” (The Ideal of Cosmic Conscience) with “Os 4 Elementos e o Auto- conhecimento” (The 4 Elements and the Self- consciousness), due to an invitation of ‘MundoVerde’ (Green World), at the Auditorium of the Botafogo Medical Center, Rio de Janeiro.
- In 1998, she participates as a listener in the 2nd Seminar about Jung Psychology.
- In 1999, she enters the ONG (Non- Governmental Organization) “VIVA Niterói”, as a member of the Consulting Council.
- In 1999, she integrates the commission for implantation of the Communitarian Channel of the ‘Niterói TV’.
- In 1999, she is awarded in the competition on movies “Roteiros” (Scripts) by the Ministry of Culture, due to the original "Os Campos de São Jorge” (Saint Jorge’s Fields).
- In 2000, she produces and presents the show "Essa Mulher” (This Woman), at the Municipal Theater, Niterói, celebrating her 25- year- career as a composer.
- In 2000, she integrates the elected Executive Coordination of the Communitarian Channel of Niterói, representing the ONG (Non- Governmental Organization) “VIVA Niterói ".
- In 2001, the exhibition “Panos e Letras” (Cloths & Letters) takes place, in partnership with the plastic artist Leila B., in the ‘Advanced Campus Gallery’, Niterói, and at the Education College of UFF - Fluminense Federal University.
- In 2001, dramatization of her texts, by the Theater Group of the Advanced Campus, Niterói.
- In 2001, she produces a show with artists from the MPB in an 80- year- homage for the soccer player Zizinho, at the Municipal Theater in Niterói.
- In 2001, she is invited to participate in Sueli Costa’s musical show, at the Funarte Hall, Rio de Janeiro.
- In 2001, she presents poems, declaiming with Cyana Leary, at the “Café do Autor” (Author’s Cafe), Bookmaker Bookstore, Rio de Janeiro.
- In 2002, dramatization of some of her texts, `Opera Prima Teatral` (Theatrical Prima Opera), the Project `Dizer Poesia` (Talking Poetry), Universo- Universidade Salgado de Oliveira (Salgado de Oliveira University), Niterói and São Gonçalo.
- In 2002, she produces a show with MPB interpreters, honoring the composer Sidney Miller, Funarte, RJ.
- In 2002, she produces and presents the program `Minha Arte’ (My Art), Communitarian channel and University channel cable TV NET- Niterói.
- In 2003, she presides over the Deliberative Council of the Niterói Communitarian TV.
- In 2003, she is the director’s assistant of the film “Problema” (Problem), by the cinematographer Sergio Santeiro.
- In 2004, she is the director’s assistant and production director of the film “Samba em Copacabana” (Samba in Copacabana), by the cinematographer Sergio Santeiro.
- In 2005, Ana is honored by the cinematographer Luiz Rosemberg with the documentary "Ana Terra".

Translated by Silvia Aust

Author's Bibliography

A Poem by the Author