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Kenshin1 *a nice pastelly pic of Kenshin. ^_^x
Kenshin2 *the infamous "oro?!?" face!!!
Kenshin3 *SUGOOIIII!!!! NIIICE!!!
Kenshin4 *cool profile of Kenshin with his sakabatou!
Kenshin5 "What are you glaring at?"
Kenshin6 *another profile!!!
Kenshin7 *yatta! Another "oro" face!
Kenshin8 *And you thought you looked bad in the morning!
Kenshin9 "Whoa! It's the Sakaba 2000!"
Kenshin10 *after a fight with Saitoh.
Kenshin11 *KAWAII!!!
Kenshin12 *Glaring but SO FINE!!!
Kenshin13 *cover your eyes!!! This one's bloody!
Kenshin14 "Need. . . color!"
Kenshin15 *Who are the flowers for Kenshin? Hmmm. . .???
Kenshin16 *VERY cool picture from the "Namida" end theme.
Kenshin17 *Boy does he looked FREAKED OUT! O.O
Kenshin18 *Kenshin looks tired. . . but also looks tantalizing. =P
Kenshin19 *From the T.V. series finale end theme song.
Kenshin20 *Orororo @_@. . .
*pictures courtesy of the RK Archive, the Kamiya Dojo, the SONY RK website, and my RK Zoshi 1.