This list is specifically for people who play Scrabble® CD from Atari
If you have Scrabble® CD and would like to play it via Direct IP see this page
Direct Play Instructions
To ADD your name to the list please emailJoyceP
Or My Scrabble ICQ 1074234 
Please state you wish to be added for Scrabble Group - Thank you.
ICQ List Name: Scrabble Zone
Description / Purpose: Scrabble® V2 CD Rom Online Players
Searchable Keywords: scrabble mania play player word game online direct IP
Relevant Categories: [Board Games Scrabble Wordgames]
ICQ ListMaster: Joyce Porter
Number Of Users: [121]
List Created On: Tuesday, April 03, 2001
Last Updated On: 9/18/2002
To be added to this List: [Email]
or [PAGE] JoyceP
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If you would like to be added to the Scrabble Zone - ICQ Userlist, please email me
or page me #1074234 - this indicates whether I am online 
In the authorization message please say - Scrabble, or Scrabble Userlist
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