Roy's Engines
Page Revised 12/6/04

My engines will be indexed on this page. Just click on the image to go to a descriptive page with larger illustrations.

Aquatap, a Ringbom Stirling engine Blazer, a flame licker engine

Straight Arrow, a flame licker with straight line motion

A test Tube Beta-type Stirling engine
Aquatap, a Ringbom Stirling revised 10/02  Blazer, a Flame Licker
new 4/1/98 
Straight Arrow, flame licker revised 8/11/98 
TTR, the Test Tube Rhombic
Breezy, a Stirling powered fan 'Lil Bit, a miniature LTD Stirling engine
Breezy, a Stirling powered fan


Lil' Bit, a LTD Stirling


The Bremen Pumping Engine in 1/4 scale. (Casting kit by Brad Smith) 

The Essex Stirling Fan, casting kit by Myers Model Engine Works. 

Hayseed, a miniature Farm Engine from plans in Strictly I.C. magazine

Additions 2/5/03


Cole's Large Hit & Miss engine. The castings a Christmas present from my sweetie of 50 years, the lovely and talented Hazle.


The Silver Angel, plans by Bob Shores of Ruskin, Florida. Completed January, 2003. 

The Gearless Hit and Miss engine, completed early 2004, finally running well, May, 2004

The first 3 of these engines were shown at NAMES '98, Where Richard Egge and I had the first showing of some of our engines. The TTR debuted at PRIME in September, 1998 and Breezy and Lil' Bit were seen "in the metal" at NAMES, which started on my wife Hazle's birthday, April 24,1999. She is some gal, sending me off to brave the Detroit spring with a bunch of like minded nuts! Much to my sorrow, Hazle died after a prolonged bout with cancer in October, 2003.

Blazer, Aquatap and the TTR made their debut at PRIME in September, 1998.

2/12/02 The Bremen and the Essex Fan are complete. Neither is "new", the Bremen having been started a couple of years ago, and the Essex Fan castings bought at NAMES last year. Work on these two goes on sporadically along with other projects. 

The Cole's Large Hit and Miss was completed in 2003, but is currently undergoing repairs (late 2004)

The Silver Angel and the Gearless are both fine running engines, although the gearless had some early problems. See the gearless page for the gory details!

To quote a recent comic strip: "The nice thing about a 'to do today' list is that whenever you get it done, it is done today."

Yes, here we are! Richard on the left, and Roy on the right. 

Now, for a bit of vanity: A page on myself, just in case you are curious!