Hi! Thanks for stopping to visit our memories from out Kansas City '99 Chat Meet of Spirit's Playroom For Old Farts! We all had a wonderful time meeting some new friends and making the bonds between the old ones even stronger! And guess what????? We already are planning the next one for 2000, and although it could never be any better, we hope to see more attending! Maybe some of these silly pictures will help you to make up your mind to come to the next one! (or scare you away forever...lol) These will not be posted in any certain order because I hope to get more as they are sent and developed. Soooooo lets get going and I hope you enjoy seeing just a wee bit of our fun in '99!
(there will be no graphics on these pages at all other than the photos. I do not want to delay the download time any longer than necessary and some of the items are a little large...thanks/Spirit)
Jb4, Emm800, Emm's husband, Jb's wife, and Lizzardlips, relaxing a bit.
Bigjerry and his Silver "cuddlin"
V517, who popped in a couple of times to visit us!
Nursefromhell, (probably digging through somebody's purse,) Pappy, Mark, Bigjerry, and MikeBear having coffee...
Nurse with Catgrl in the background and Vona to the side.
Vonalee, who drove from Minnasota for the weekend to play with us!!
hahahah JB4, nothing about THIS that says tourist, is there?...lol
Silouettes, Baggs and Bigjerry having a dance.
Nurse's new tatoo, only a couple of hours old...lol