MiniSpirit and Catgrl with some of the rest of us....eating again...we do a lot of that when we are together...
Baggs, Unigoat and Rick
Sunday morning...It's always a little sad to say goodbye for another year. Mark and Catgrl!
Catgrl, Nursefromhell, and Mark, saying goodbye to good friends for a whole year is never easy!
Pappy and Sheyeone in the background shadows...front shadow requested no photos be posted that would identify her!
JohnnyBGood, aka JB4, and Lizzardlips, relaxing beside the pool after the party!
Hahahah ...would YOU trust these Nurses to take care of you???? Nursefromhell and EastAngel!
EastAngel, Nursefromhell and me, Spirit trying to hold them UP!...(and boy! it sure wasnt easy!!)
John, EastAngels Husband modeling one of Nurses "parrot" earrings! it look cute?
Nurse, "dancing" with Mazz3, (or at least she THOUGHT she was) and wouldnt you know she just HAD to lead?