Devotionals I Wrote
by Mary Jane
Here are 2 of my
devotionals I have written so far. May the LORD GOD bless you as
you read them. If you feel u have any questions, please email me.
By Mary Jane Jewell
Aug 23, 1999
This is taken from Psalms 46:10 and it says this...." BE
If you look in EXDOUS 14:14... 'It says, THE LORD WILL FIGHT FOR
YOU; YOU NEED ONLY TO BE STILL." In order for the Lord to
fight for us, we need to be still. In Psalms 46:10 it
What does it mean to be still and listen for GOD? What are we to
do to listen? What are some ways of doing this to listen for
GOD'S still voice?
In DEUTERONOMY tells us HOW to listen to GOD and what
things we are suppose to be doing
a) Love.... We must listen in love. This is our way of showing
GOD that we love him and want to follow him.
b) Hold fast to HIM...What does this mean? To hold fast? To me it
means that he is they're listening to us pray to HIM. It means to
me to just let HIM carry me in HIS arms thru all trials and
temptations. This also means to CLING to HIM for everything.
c) Lord of your life...HE should be the number one spot in our
lives. If we don't make HIM LORD over everything, then we cant
listen for HIM and miss out on HIS blessings for us.
In JEREMIAH 24:7... 'It says this' Then I will give them a heart
to know ME, that I am the Lord; and they shall be my People and I
will be their God, for they shall return to Me with their whole
heart." And that is if we seek and listen for HIS still
small voice. And that could be thru a song, a friend, or a card,
or someone coming to visit you in your time of need.
In Psalms 94:11---- it says that "The LORD knows the
thoughts of men", this is a very scary content if u stop to
think about it. He knows what u are thinking right now, and HE
knows what you are going do right now as well.
The in Psalm 33:20... It says "OUR SOUL WAITS FOR THE LORD:
HE IS OUR HELP AND OUR SHEILD". This tells me to wait for
the LORD to speak to me. He will guide me and direct me as well
in all things.
If our lives are NOT right with GOD, then HOW can we listen for
HIS voice? How can we discern what is right and what is wrong?
Sometimes it is hard to tell, but as II TIM 2:15
says..."Study to show thyself approved unto GOD, a workman
rightly dividing the word of truth."
In Psalms 37:7 "it says" Be still before the LORD and
wait patiently for HIM." Sometimes we have to wait for GOD
to show us what to do.
Is Psalms 62:5 It says we are to find rest in GOD
Only thru GOD does this happen. We are to wait quietly for GOD to
speak to us
We need to learn to BE still and listen for HIS voice. We need to
know that this small voice is GOD.
EPH. 4:17-32
Paul was describing the walk of the Gentiles here and as i was
reading this while waiting for my in laws at the doctor. Some
things came out and hit me over the head.
We should as Christians , not be like the Gentiles walk at all.
Their walk is as follows:
1) futility of their mind (v 17) --- we shouldn't have a useless
or vain walk with GOD
2) their understanding was darkened (v18) -- if our walk is
useless or a vain walk then our understanding will be like unto
satan and not GOD.
3) their were aliented from a life of GOD (v18)--- why--- because
of the ignorance
4) they were blinded in their heart (v18) --- we sometimes get
this way especially if our walk is in vain or useless with GOD
5) they were past being feeling(v 19) --- they just become to
GOD'S word and it doesnt sink in
As a result of these things, they ended up doing these things. We
must also not do what they did.
1) lewdness (19) -- they were vulgar and such
2) work at and in all uncleaness (v19) --
3) greediness (19) -- this is something that we as a christian
should not do
4) because they have not learned Christ (v20)
to me this verse is that they knew about GOD (head knowledge,
like i do) but did not really know GOD (the heart knowledge, that
i am working on for myself). So they could not obey or understand
what GOD wanted for them.
It goes on to say:
5) if they have herd HIM; then HIM is the truth and then we can
put these things off: (v21)
a) the former conduct (v22)
b) the old man which is full of decietful lust (of teh eyes,
touch and so forth) (v22)
c) put off lying (v 23) -- learn to speak the truth-- it is much
better than having to try and cover up things :)
d) to ahve a renewed mind (spirit) (v23) -- this reminds me of
ROMANS 12:1,2--to ahve a transformed mind like Christ
e) to put on the new man (v24) -- true righteouness, hoilness
like Christ
f) we are to speak the truth to everyone (v25)
g) don't let our anger get the better of us and don't go to bed
angry (v26) -- a lot of times we do just that and let the anger
boil over--- it tell us NOT to do that.
h) don't give the DEVIL a place of foothold on your life (27) --
We sometimes do this and don't realize we have given the devil a
foothold in our lives. As a child I didn't realize I had done
this for along time. i just wanted to do what i wanted to do.
Recently, my eyes have been opening up to the tricks of the devil
uses to gain a foot hold in my lfe. Or I should say "he is
trying to trip me up."
i) don't steal (v28) -- that could mean a lot of things you know.
It does feel good when we
none and is able to help some one in need.
j) don't swear (v28) -- this is a big one for sure. We hear it
every day wherever we go now. But for us Christians, we should
not let this influence our walk with Christ. Our speech should
edify one another and be uplifitng ti one another and be seasoned
with GOD'S Grace as it says in (V 29)
What does it mean to grieve the HOLY SPIRIT as it says in (v30)?
the word GRIEVE in websters dictonary says this : to cause grief
or sorrow to; to feel grief; to distress . When we deliberatly
sin ( and i am guilty of that a lot) then i am grieving the H. S.
The H.S. is the one who guides us into all truth and if we listen
and obey his leading then we wouldnt grieve HIM. He will help us
and me to keep temtpation from us
k) all bittness, wrath, anger, clamor, evil speaking (v31) -- we
HAVE to put these things away. in other words--we can not allow
the devil a foothold in our lives with these things or we end up
grieving the HOLY SPIRIT.
l) last be KIND, TENDERHEARTED and above all else put on LOVE,
FORGIVE one another ----and if we dont learn to forgive one
aother then GOD wont forgive us.
I have learn and am learning the meaning of forgiveness. My
forgiveness to those who have HURT me so bad growing up. Those
that abused me and such, that as i am going thru the process of
FORGIVING these people, it releases the HURT and DEEP PAIN in my
HEART i have had for a very long time now.
As i obey GOD in all these areas of my life, I am fining some
peace. Peace that i have been searching for a very long time. I
know i ahve a long ways to go, but GOD will supply his forgivenss
for me and his grace, mercy, love.
Mat we all learn this in our daily walk with GOD
Written by
Mary Jane Jewell
Feb. 9,2000
Music By: Gilbert
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