--Come and Get It--

Come and Get It

Come and Get It - 1936

Re-released as Roaring Timber

Frances Farmer - Lotta Morgan/Lotta Bostrom

Edward Arnold - Barney Glasgow

Walter Brennan - Swan Bostrom  - (Academy Award: Best Supporting Actor)

Andrea Leeds - Evvie Glasgow

Mady Christians - Karie

Frank Shields - Tony Schwerke

Producer - Samuel Goldwyn

Directors - Howard Hawks/William Wyler


Barney Glasgow meets the young Lotta

Image courtesy of JMK


Frances and Edward Arnold                Walter Brennan, Frances and Edward Arnold                Frances and Joel McCrea


Karie questions Lotta

Image courtesy of JMK

Crowded with every requisite for excellent entertainment, this is an indelible landmark in motion picture progress.   A cast of new players, supporting Edward Arnold and Joel McCrea, offer such individually superlative performances as to insure for themselves great futures; but purely as a production it is technically fine, beautifully directed, superbly synthesized.

Picturing with graphic detail the significant tempo of 1884 to 1907, the story concerns a clear-minded ambitious lumberman who falls in love with a dance-hall girl.  Caught in the need for power, he marries his boss' daughter, whom he doesn't love but who can aid him in his career; many years later, successful and bitter, he meets the honky-tonk belle's lovely daughter and toward her directs the bleak passion of his middle-age.

Edward Arnold is outstandingly good as the ruthless business man who sacrifices personal happiness for achievement; and Frances Farmer, cast in the dual role of the vulgar cabaret singer and her ambitious daughter, is sensationally brilliant.

Against a background of gripping beauty Edna Ferber's bestseller becomes a living reality, with Walter Brennan excitingly authentic as a Swede friend of Arnold's, Joel McCrea good as Arnold's son, and newly discovered Andrea Leeds delightfully refreshing in her small role.

You'll cheer at the log-rolling sequences, at the really great performances of the cast, and the vivid effectiveness of the picture as a whole.

Review featured in Photoplay magazine


Come and Get It still                Frances as Lotta Morgan            Come and Get It still



Karie's owl hat

Image courtesy of JMK


Frances on the set                Come and Get It still               Bar fight scene


Frances, Edward Arnold and Joel McCrea


The candy twist scene

Image courtesy of JMK


This page last updated 2001, Dec 05